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  1. Bayou_Billy

    harvesting for cerebral high

    Yield would not differ so much that it should be a factor. Get a scope and check the FAQ's for the trich chart.
  2. Bayou_Billy

    All hermies??????

    Where did you get your seeds?
  3. Bayou_Billy


    I will keep an eye on this thread... I would really like to try a haze strain.
  4. Bayou_Billy

    Seed storage....

    Mason jar kept in the dark. Works fine for me.
  5. Bayou_Billy

    Room Temp to Hot

    You still may want to think about a carbon filter or Videoman's odor-removal device. A lot of people get caught by smell.
  6. Bayou_Billy

    Room Temp to Hot

    You can buy a cheap door to fit the closet's door frame. Take the original off and store it. Put the replacement on and cut holes in it. You can hide the holes somewhat with the larger AC intake vent covers. You'll have to light proof from the inside if you do go this way. When finished or...
  7. Bayou_Billy

    perlite and FF soil mix ratio ratio?

    I have always used a 20% perlite mix when using FF.
  8. Bayou_Billy

    Pot May Hike Risk of Psychosis???

    I agree. I'm no scientist, but I imagine that there is a substantial selection bias.
  9. Bayou_Billy

    Pot May Hike Risk of Psychosis???

    Pot may hike risk of psychosis, study suggests - Mental Health - But: "Several authors reported being paid to attend drug company-sponsored meetings related to marijuana, and one received consulting fees from companies that make antipsychotic medications."
  10. Bayou_Billy

    question about lighting.

    I stand corrected.
  11. Bayou_Billy

    question about lighting.

    I agree. Stick with CFL's until you can save up some money for a HPS with an enhanced spectrum bulb that covers vegging as well. MH will not get you through flowering.
  12. Bayou_Billy

    Flowering Time Calculation

    Never heard of the 40/60 Theory. Thanks Babygo. Now, if I could just find a way to stabilize branches when using a microscope to check trich's... gives me a headache.
  13. Bayou_Billy

    Flowering Time Calculation

    Gotcha, thanks.
  14. Bayou_Billy

    Flowering Time Calculation

    First time flowering with 100%-known strain. Package says 7 weeks of flowering. Is that 7 weeks from the switch to 12/12 or 7 weeks from first sign of buds/flowers? Thanks.
  15. Bayou_Billy

    Need every detail on growing with soil.

    I agree. You can also add a digital ph meter and a remote temp/humidity reader. A carbon filter and can fan too, but only if you need it. Make sure to get soil grow and soil bloom for botanicare, easy to accidently get the hydro mixes.
  16. Bayou_Billy

    Harvest Early or Go w/out Light for a Day?

    Thanks for all of the replies. Sometimes I guess you can obsess about keeping conditions as close to ideal as possible. Last run of a very nice bagseed variety. Can't wait to grow my super skunk next.
  17. Bayou_Billy

    Harvest Early or Go w/out Light for a Day?

    Whew. Didn't want to literally kill months of work if I don't have to. Thanks Karma.
  18. Bayou_Billy

    Harvest Early or Go w/out Light for a Day?

    I am in late flowering now (trich's are 3/4 clear, 1/4 cloudy). For reasons beyond my control, I will have to cut the light for most of the 12-hour light time on Saturday. Question - is it better to harvest too early or let them go a day without light and put back on normal schedule? Any...
  19. Bayou_Billy

    Odor eliminators... Do they work?

    I agree, cannot beat a good carbon filter.
  20. Bayou_Billy

    How to cut wood...

    I Agree. .