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  1. G

    HumboldtLocals Outdoor 2010

    fuck me. Thats the sickest set of trees i've ever seen. how'd they get so big?! :)
  2. G

    plants 2 done?

    bump.. a wanna know this too!
  3. G


  4. G

    Are my Plants done? (sexy sexy frosty pics)

    nice looking plants them mate. what ever you do dont do what most people do when there new to growing and go and do something daft like chop your plant 2 weeks into flower.
  5. G

    can someone comment on my baby!!!!!!!!!

    post a better pic up mate. you will get alot more responses and answers, just abit hard to tell from that.
  6. G

    is she rdy yet?!?! (Auto Snow Ryder)

    looks pretty nice that mate. :) that looks bout ready, then again it depends what kinda high you want. chopping now would produce more of a headhigh.
  7. G

    Buds are too dry help

    Only thing i can think of is to chuck ya buds in a airtight glass jar, and add a small piece of orange skin or some kind of fruit peeling in with your buds for a few hours.
  8. G

    First grow.. not sure how much longer?

    3 weeks ad say mate, forgetting not to flush for your last week. Loving that pic though. :)
  9. G

    New guerrilla growing documentary, gotta see this one!

    if anyone manages to find another link to this that works for people outside the US, please.. post it up, this documentary should inspire all you guerilla growers out there.
  10. G

    How much longer till harvest??

    about 4 weeks at the minimum.. id say probably longer.
  11. G

    Any Ideas On What I Need To Do With These Babies?

    look nice them mate, imo you dont really need any nutes at this point not for another 3 to 4 week+ , the soil mix/compost will provide those babies with enough nutes and goodness them. And am not sure about miracle grow, check the N-P-K levels on the back of the bottle mate, theres some useful...
  12. G

    Indica or sativa??

    indica strains make you feel stoned/stuck to your sofa, while sativa's make you feel more creative and imaginative. :)
  13. G

    First timer looking for harvest advice.

    Looking nice them mate. That main cola does look pretty close for the chop. if i wanted the more 'heady' energetic high, then id see no problem chopping the main cola now and let the lower buds mature for the last week or 2. A prefere coachlock stone imo though. :p hehe
  14. G

    Is this ready?

    A recon they could go another 2 week easy mate, they dont look like they have swelled and fattened up enough yet imo.
  15. G

    seedlings snatched..

    yeah, what im thinking aswell a think, not worth the risk.. and my brother knew i had a few out, but he doesn't know where, and he wouldn't take em because hes got an auto out himself out at the minute and a know where it is.
  16. G

    seedlings snatched..

    eyup, hows everyone doin?.. heres the situation, i germinated some 2 unknown bagweed seeds .. all was looking well, they popped, sprouted and potted them up and took them out to my spot which is a hours walk away from were i live and this plot secluded plenty of stinging nettles and with...
  17. G

    37 day harvest?

    id leave it abit longer, if you chop now i guarantee you will regret harvesting early a month or 2 down the line when its all been smoked. had the experience of harvesting early myself and it aint worth it mate.