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  1. L

    Does anyone one know how?

    yea well i knw dat !
  2. L

    Does anyone one know how?

    i dont think that would work cuz ur only weight the tch that come out of the bud wat about the thc still left in the bud? so if it bud weight on 2g. and the thc /hash metheod weights 1g. then wats the %of thc
  3. L

    help me

    also i cant put the plant outside cuz its too dam hot like around 120f and its the lowest is 98f at night and it humid as fuck at night also like 75% humidity so thats why also the fuzz too
  4. L

    help me

    well i would leave it outside but there's alot of heat goin on here if you know wat i mean but yea it will flower under a flourecent ive done it before !
  5. L

    Does anyone one know how?

    i have a question um how can you count the percentage of tch in a bud?i heard u count the thc glands on the bud with a microscpoe but not sure if thats true well any ways maybe i can get a answer from someone here ?:joint::hump:
  6. L

    help me

    my bad 6/18 or 8/16 would that dat be ok to flower or stick with 12/12 i wanted to change it to 6/18 but i wasnt sure!
  7. L

    help me

    yea basically it i thought i would have to turn the light to 7/18!
  8. L

    help me

    they were outside for 4month i put them inside cuz i wanted to force flower them
  9. L

    help me

    hey thanks for that answer man so u think it will start flowering by the end of the month i jus. started indoor a week so they been on 12/12 indoor light for a week now u think it will show by the end of the month?
  10. L

    help me

    hello i have a plant that has been outside from may to this month : a seedling to veg. its 4months old and i want to force flower it indoorsthere 35inches tall and it under a flourecent light 12 lights on /12night. Outdoor sun comes up at 6am and goes down at 7:30pm so its13hrs and half of...
  11. L

    Are these girls ready for soil?

    it all sound right to me they should be ready to grow big.What strain is it?