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  1. NoWay

    First Grow

    That's how far it is today. When can I start telling if it will be male or female?
  2. NoWay

    First Grow

    Here is the first plant I've ever grown. I guess I'll keep posting updates.
  3. NoWay

    What is this...

    First grow :) Just planted a couple germinated seeds a couple days ago... Looking forward to some sprouting. Yeah I just got my mom to admit she smoked but doesn't really like it.
  4. NoWay

    What is this...

    I just got home and they aren't there. My dad's not home yet so my mom must have hid them. Welp I'm a tad bit confused right about now and I just wish they were honest.
  5. NoWay

    What is this...

    Me: Hey dad what's growing in your garden that looks like marijuana? Dad: They're tomatoes. M: Tomatoes don't look like that and marijuana does. D: They're tomatoes, I'll show you. I just can't plant them yet. I just kept laughing. I'll probably ask him about it again when he's home. Just in...
  6. NoWay

    What is this...

    Yeah I'm older than 16. It'll be weird but I'll call him sometime tomorrow when he's at work and ask him like what's growing in those 4 black pots or something. Then if it's like an awkward silence I'll break it with an " Think I can get one of those? " I'll try to make it a lot less awkward...
  7. NoWay

    What is this...

    Nah I didn't dig it up. Found 4 little guys in seperate pots kind of hidden from everything. The ironic thing is I was going to put my plants outside for a bit when I found them.
  8. NoWay

    What is this...

    I also know he smokes because my friend came over the other day after smoking and my dad came up to me and said " Mike was BAKED. " I kept saying he wasn't but he wouldn't believe me.
  9. NoWay

    What is this...

    Haha he's a funny guy and I think he would just be pissed I found it. I guess if he finds my crappy rigged indoor setup I won't get in that much trouble. :)
  10. NoWay

    What is this...

    Never seen him smoke. My uncle told me a story about how him and my dad grew it on their roof. He knows I do ( Never said anything but he knows. ) but says it's cool as long as I don't get in trouble. 3 - 5 leaves a fan but it looks like its still little.
  11. NoWay

    What is this...

    Hahahaha wow... maybe I'll just have him grow it for me... Should I say something?
  12. NoWay

    What is this...

    I found this growing right by my dad's garden... looks like marijuana and smells like it but I kind of don't think he'd be growing it. I smoke it but have never grown it before so I'm not sure. I'm just looking to get the experts opinion. :)
  13. NoWay

    Is it easy

    Never drove back in the 90's. I'm 19. But I can get decent bud for 250 an ounce. :) I guess I will try to grow something. I hope I'll see some good results. Any more info/tips someone can give me would be appreciated.
  14. NoWay

    Is it easy

    I wasn't saying I would totally neglect it, I would love the thing as it was my child. It just seemed a little too easy at first. Me and my friend smoke on the side of his house and we just throw the seeds away. I guess one time we got lucky with one of the seeds and figured out one of the...
  15. NoWay

    Is it easy

    Alright I'm kind of interested in growing a plant. I'm not planning on getting to into it, just as a little side thing for fun. From what I'm reading around this site is light and nutrients have to be strictly controlled. Honestly, it seems like it would be hard. I was planning on buying...