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  1. G.I.JOSE

    Soil mixture

    Everyone has their own opinion on how they do their grow, I would return the Coco and stick with the soil and perlite. Again that's just my opinion from my experience it's a lot easier for me. You got to find your Niche on how you want to grow.
  2. G.I.JOSE

    Your thoughts now please week 3 day2 flower.

  3. G.I.JOSE

    Soil mixture

    Are you going to grow Strictly Organic? If so I would not use the Coco coir. I was taking more of your soil mixed in with some peat moss, so your bacteria has something to feed on while it's growing. As far as the ratio of perlite I would generally mix in half a bag of perlite per bag of soil...
  4. G.I.JOSE

    Good start?

    Nice instructional bro!
  5. G.I.JOSE

    First time grower/poster!

    It depends if the Miracle Grow soil has additives that are Time released. If there is no other treatments for nutrients in it you should be good. I'm a budget Kroger myself and I get my soil from Home Depot. I use Black Magic potting soil it like $16. if you're going on a budget you still need...
  6. G.I.JOSE

    How long takes to flower after preflower

    Weeks 1 - 3. Once you've started your seeds and they break the surface of the soil, they are in their seedling stage. The first set of leaves to appear will usually single fingered, followed by a second set that may still be single fingered or perhaps 3 fingered. Once that second set appears...
  7. G.I.JOSE

    Your thoughts now please week 3 day2 flower.

    Thanks. Don't be afraid to ask questions, when I first started out I was asking all kinds of questions. There is an abundance of information online that you can find, but you never really know what really works. They might be just trying to sell a product or get likes on their YouTube channel. I...
  8. G.I.JOSE

    Your thoughts now please week 3 day2 flower.

    He means a week or two. It will promote better bud growth. You got a pretty good grow going! Sorry for butting in the conversation I just didn't want you to be hanging there. Cheers! -G.I.JOSE
  9. G.I.JOSE

    Bottom leaves are yellowing - help!

    They are either in newt lockout, or you have not feed them enough. I went to the same thing before take a look at the pic below If you are trying to feed them with organic material it takes at the minimal one week for the bacteria to form to feed the plants. If you're doing liquid newts you...
  10. G.I.JOSE

    Bottom leaves are yellowing - help!

    They need food!!! STAT!
  11. G.I.JOSE

    First grow

    They are looking pretty good bro!
  12. G.I.JOSE

    First time grower, AlphaKronik Gobstopper , soil

    Nice bro. Kill them mf'ers
  13. G.I.JOSE

    Youtube Channel - The Cannabis Experts

    Nice job you guys! Cheers!-G.I.JOSE
  14. G.I.JOSE

    The Mars Hydro TS 1000 did a great job with the Runtz S1.

    That's so awesome that you can grow your girls so close to the top without having to worry about being burnt from the lights. Terrific grow as well if I might ask what kind of newts were you feeding them kushmart Cheers!
  15. G.I.JOSE

    First time grower, AlphaKronik Gobstopper , soil

    If you're going to be standing in your tent when you spray Cover all Exposed Skin to include your eyes, I would use a mask as well, not like a dust mask more of like a paint mask that has filters you can get them at Home Depot for like $20 . Be careful spraying that shi+ bro!
  16. G.I.JOSE

    100% organic grow using Earth Dust

    With the dry amendment that I'm using I'm conducting a sponsored review so I'm following the manufacturer's guidelines to report back to them. His instructions to fix this problem was it I was not watering enough. I was wondering once a week about a liter a pot, manufacturer said I should be...
  17. G.I.JOSE

    Newbie trying out 38 plants

    That's pretty early to feed them, I usually wait for the first set of fan leaves to feed. But I use Advanced Nutrients I'm not familiar with Canna Coco. Just be careful with your newts
  18. G.I.JOSE

    Newbie trying out 38 plants

    That's a very ambitious grow! What are you going to be feeding them?
  19. G.I.JOSE

    Newbie trying out 38 plants

    My personal opinion I would lower it down to 18" to 20" . Please keep in mind you also have to account the width your light covers at set Heights. For instance my 600W LED at 36" projects a footprint of 4 ft wide. Hope the info helps.