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  1. chitrette

    Photo Challenge-Just For Fun

    To be perfectly honest with you, I have never opened it, my old roomate left it in our smoking lounge a long time ago, and there it sits on our coffee table with a few photography books and a Maxim from 2004.
  2. chitrette

    Salvia Question

    You can buy Blosser strain salvia on ebay they are pretty good cuttings most of them have rooted. SALVIA DIVINORUM PLANT IN 4" POT Divine Sage BLOSSER - (eBay item 180197132961 end time Dec-19-07 08:57:32 PST)
  3. chitrette

    Smilies On This Site Need Help!

    it would not be a programmers job as much as a graphic artists job...
  4. chitrette

    You know your a stoner/pothead if................

    When you drop and break your bowl, are sad for a second, then in a moment of genious you take the broken bowl and scrape it clean for resin to add to a joint because you no longer have a bowl to put it ontop of.
  5. chitrette

    Interesting day at the mall

    I was at the mall yesterday with my GF Christmas shopping for some of her friends and for my family. I was waiting in line at the ATM when a super tall guy with long hair (in a ponytail) wearing a long leather coat, stopped me and took me aside. "Hey homes, me and a few friends came up here from...
  6. chitrette

    Chocolate Lab!!!

    Awesome, congrats, I just got a puppy recently as well, here is Marley, my girlfriend calls her Daffy. :roll: Pure Doberman.
  7. chitrette


    Maine here as well. here is snow my friends....
  8. chitrette

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    I woke up this morning and smoked a nice joint to my dome, then I looked out the window and have been shoveling ever since... not even high anymore.
  9. chitrette

    I Once.

    You made a kid when you were younger? OMG YOU ATE YELLOW SNOW???
  10. chitrette

    Pictures of my plants talking to me ahhhh......!!

    Mwuahaha part of my secret plan
  11. chitrette

    What made you really start growing?

    Well besides the one we don't want to hear "I need to make money" what made you really start growing? I mean what took you from 1-2 plants in your closet to a full grow room(s), or a full grow production? Was it the passion of growing? was it because you have a lot of mooching friends? was it...
  12. chitrette

    Pictures of my plants talking to me ahhhh......!!

    There, my current favorite peice, all glass hookah with a bowl peice big enough to hide a midget in. ;) And there is no way this one looks like a penis. :p
  13. chitrette

    Pictures of my plants talking to me ahhhh......!!

    Lol that bowl is long past broken, although in real life it looked more like a shroom than a penis.
  14. chitrette

    Pictures of my plants talking to me ahhhh......!!

    I am just ragging on you bro. goodluck with your plants. :peace:
  15. chitrette

    Conserving Weed... how do YOU do it?

    I really dont try to conserve my bud, I pretty much smoke when I feel like smoking, I tend to have to smoke up all of my friends as I am the only one who grows so I almost always have some. But if I was to worry about conserving bud I would most likely smoke alone with a chillum... but really...
  16. chitrette

    3.5ft Crawl Space

    in a space that small, a 400 W HPS shouldnt have a problem flowering 4 plants.
  17. chitrette

    Pictures of my plants talking to me ahhhh......!!

    Who grows the pot you are smoking?:joint::hump:
  18. chitrette

    Pictures of my plants talking to me ahhhh......!!

    They are? :peace: