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  1. chitrette

    Cold weather solution

    It worked well, I was able to harvest both plants my first year growing in it and all 4 the next, I wish I would have built it a little bigger so that I could have had more plants in it. Alas no barn anymore so no need for a overcomplicated heating box. But if you break it down... Foam-...
  2. chitrette

    Cold weather solution

    I drew this up it is pretty much what I had settup, although on second thought I would put the 2nd box underneath the first one, and let the warm air rise on its own instead of having to have fan #2 this would also make it so that you have less light (although I had very little) inside the grow...
  3. chitrette

    Cold weather solution

    I am not 100% sure on this I live in a similar climate (Northern Maine) and I know that in my old barn I built a box out of foam insulation panels, I then put an exhaust on the back of it, and on the ceiling I put another duct, I then built another much smaller box ontop of this one, it was made...
  4. chitrette

    I Once.

    I once smoked a joint on the steps on the state capital building at rush hour waved to the security camera then went about my merry way.
  5. chitrette

    can u water with bong water?

    Heh, I guess your mom is pretty cool shit, but dont poison your plants, if you do the Ganja Gods will haunt you for life.
  6. chitrette

    Photo Challenge-Just For Fun

    I have taken random stuff, most of my photography is involving plants/flowers but some of it isnt so I guess here we go... Links to the rest to save space... I fish... I snowboard...
  7. chitrette

    Adding flavour to skunk?

    I am more here for the wealth of knowledge than I am sharing what I know, everything I know is already covered here, I am going to start a grow journal on my next grow, so I guess you will see me a little more.
  8. chitrette

    Pot fairies~~~~

    lol are you sure that is pot you are smoking? I see what you are talking about but a fairy? I dunno.
  9. chitrette

    Adding flavour to skunk?

    Lol, it is/was a pipe. It broke I should put a different pic up alas I get high before I get on my computer then I am too lazy to do it...
  10. chitrette

    Adding flavour to skunk?

    Most people put citrus peels more because they moisten the bud making it fluffier also making it easier to sell a short bag, I have never known it to flavour the bud.
  11. chitrette

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    That is roughly what I get things for as well although if I were to buy where most of hte college kids around here buy it goes as such... Schwag-$105-110 Lows-125-130 Mids- 150-179 High quality(high-mid quality indoors)-230-260 Any strain with a name...3-400 Up here durring green bud season...
  12. chitrette

    The Smartest Thing Ive Ever Thought

    Well those are obviously the steps you take when growing in the wilderness... Oh and where I am from a GPS is essential. I havent decided what strains I will use yet, I have a few different mothers to choose from, 2 business partners of mine and myself have been getting ready for this grow...
  13. chitrette

    The Smartest Thing Ive Ever Thought

    LMK=Let Me Know but yeah I will prob stat with clones as I do not want to get stuck with a wretched 10 month old male. What strain are you planning on?
  14. chitrette

    The Smartest Thing Ive Ever Thought

    LMK the day you start them, and the day you put them in the ground I will start some at the same time, we will see what we can do about making a "How-to" for the north east states. Oh about this snow, eh its cold, its snowy, my indoor bud is warm and crystally, mmm...
  15. chitrette

    The Smartest Thing Ive Ever Thought

    That is generally what we do up here in Northern Maine, otherwise there really isnt much of a yeild on a lot of outdoor stuff because our spring/summer is so screwy.
  16. chitrette

    You know your too stoned when.......

    When you have a special place to toke in the woods at all of the ski resorts you go to.
  17. chitrette

    laughfing strain

    Yes there is a strain, called Laughing Gas, (N2O) that is actually named after its laughing principles, it contains mostly dinitrogen oxide which triggers a response in your brain that makes you uh.. laugh. It also makes cars go fast. VRrrrooom.
  18. chitrette

    Salvia grow

    Thanks a lot I will make a guide as I go I think, I will document it.
  19. chitrette

    You know your too stoned when.......

    when you roll into the mceedees drivethrough at 1 AM and order a shit ton of food only to wait 20 minutes for them to serve it to you, when you look in the bag the napkins are rolled up like joints with the straws inside of them... the late night drive through guys think they are funny, I mean...
  20. chitrette


    Yeah for sure that sounds like a good time. The extract that I will most likely be making is a little higher than you can buy at head shops and the such it should be a good trip and I loveing sharing so if you enjoy your next trip lmk.