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  1. C

    Advanced Nutrients Organic Line (iguana juice etc.) Good or Over Priced???

    Just bought ANs organic line ;iguana juice, f1, h2, tarantula, piranha, voodoo juice, bud candy, sensizym, nirvana, organic B and bud ignitor.Does anyone have any advice or has anyone tried this line ???? People say Pureblend pro is as good and cheaper , but you need twice as much pbp as iguana...
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    How much dolopril lime should I add per bale of promix

    Had a low ph last crop need to fix this crop but not sure how much lime to put in. Advice is much appreciated
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    3 Word Story

    The other girls
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    Is this RECIPE complete??or too much?

    Thanks for the advice. Pureblend pro veg and bloom are both organic for sure so they won't kill the bacteria and fungi. And I was guaranteed by someone that roots excelerator does not kill the bacteria/fungi either. I will check out that website and read the book. Thanks again . I like to save...
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    ORGANIC TEAS:When is best time to use andwhat can i stop using once i use tea?RECIPE;

    Where do you gt a brewer?? Or do you make it?
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    ORGANIC TEAS:When is best time to use andwhat can i stop using once i use tea?RECIPE;

    I am just using a barrel with airstones in it. This is my first batch. What Is a brewer?
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    Is this RECIPE complete??or too much?

    Im trying to perfect my recipe. Any advice is much appreciated. MEDIUM:1 bale promix, 5gal compost soil, 500ml lime, 2 litre perlite. VEG:pureblend pro veg, cal mag,organic b vitamin, roots excelerator, all once a week. I veg for 6 weeks at day 21 i transplant and dust roots with sub culture m...
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    ORGANIC TEAS:When is best time to use andwhat can i stop using once i use tea?RECIPE;

    the only product i use that isnt organic is roots exccelerator, and i was guaranteed it will work in an organic recipe, pureblend pro is organic , heavy weight is just molasses and liquid gold is fulvic acid sub culture m is beneficial fungi, if i am wrong please inform me, i thought i was...
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    Rootrot , Fungus gnats,growing in soil, HELP

    i just noticed i have a fungus gnat infestation and mild rootrot, growing in promix and compost mixed 75% promix and 25% soil(compost)
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    ORGANIC TEAS:When is best time to use andwhat can i stop using once i use tea?RECIPE;

    i only put nutes in once a week , then a plain water rince, i also do not ever use the full amount that the container says. i actually do not use very much product at all. i can see how it appears that way. do you thinbk anything i am using is un necessray? thats why im making tea is to cut out...
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    ORGANIC TEAS:When is best time to use andwhat can i stop using once i use tea?RECIPE;

    i have made some organic tea with earthworm castings beneficial fungi and bacteria molasses Im not sure what weeks i should put it in. I was thinking once a week in veg and then week 2 and 4 of bloom. This is my recipe last crop (without tea) 6 WEEK VEG:grozyme,thrive alive b vitamin,roots...
  12. C

    Any experienced tree growers please help.

    I have never grown in pots before. I have 42000 wt room, 20 horizontal 600 wats and 30 vertical 1000 watts. I am doing 44 plants that have been vegged for 6 weeks. Last crop in week 5 of bloom I turned digital ballast from 75% to 100%and around that time my leaves started yellowing and dying...
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    What size pots should my 3 foot girls be un when I flip them?

    I'm thinking 20s this time but not sure
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    What size pots should my 3 foot girls be un when I flip them?

    Thanks for reply. I vegged for 6 weeks last time and had a few problems with leaves yellowing and dying. I use 15 gallon pots and have been told they were too small by one friend and that they were too big b another. Looking for an experienced tree grower for some input. I'm thinking 20s this to...
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    Not sure if i have root rot or my plants are rootbound, leaves are dying fast HELP

    I am very experienced growing in tables with 40 plants and 2 lights above(1000 wt) now I am doing trees in big pots and all of a sudden in week 5 of bloom all the leaves are yellowing and dying fast. Everyday new dead leaves I have been sprAying growth plus and watering with sensizym and sub...
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    What size pots should my 3 foot girls be un when I flip them?

    Not sure how big my pots should be I have 44 girls under 20 horizontal 600 wt bulbs and 30 vertical 1000wt bulbs. I have lots of space, co2 and intake/outtake on timers.