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  1. LoopDigga

    Soil mother - hydro clones?

    So, before I buy/make a hydro system for myself, can anyone tell me if it's okay to take clones from a soil mother and put them into a hydro setup? Thank you.
  2. LoopDigga

    Pine needles? Hairs redder?

    never heard of it. I'd like to know more.
  3. LoopDigga

    m.m. makes my pain more intense

    that's odd that it makes it worse. my aunts' whole back is fused and it helps her better than morphine. But sometimes you get more sensitive, and you'll notice itches, pains, sores, or whatnot much more.
  4. LoopDigga

    topping vs not topping

    that's not a good explanation of what happens when you top them, you're just showing off. with every right, though.
  5. LoopDigga

    AsianKatie's First Grow (Indoor)

    no pictures?
  6. LoopDigga

    infrared cameras

    no. the heat is still being generated, just not onto your plants.
  7. LoopDigga

    400 hps grow

    you can just use that bulb for veg. or get a convesion bulb.
  8. LoopDigga

    Weed and mushees stealth grow in box need advice.

    mush don't grow in the conditions that marijuana likes.
  9. LoopDigga

    What you listening to right now?

    The Limp Twins - Tales From Beyond the Groove
  10. LoopDigga

    Masterkush Masterstealth CFL growbox

  11. LoopDigga

    Masterkush Masterstealth CFL growbox

    pictures before the chop?
  12. LoopDigga

    What you listening to right now?

    Deep Puddle Dynamics - Where the Wild Things Are.
  13. LoopDigga

    What you listening to right now?

    Blackalicious - World of Vibrations.
  14. LoopDigga

    If bud were legalized what would you do?

    you would not be able to see my front door with the amount of plants I would have.
  15. LoopDigga

    Strain Link

    sweet. they're lackin' though.
  16. LoopDigga

    Cutting off leaves

    why would you cut off your leaves if the TIPS are yellowing? they can easily recover and are already doing a good job at producing chlorophyll for the plant.
  17. LoopDigga

    thin stems?

    i've heard of people cutting a line in a plastic straw, and then covering the stem with it. you could also raise the soil.
  18. LoopDigga

    Cutting off leaves

    a good way to tell if you should take them off is if you pull very lightly downward and they break off at the end of the stem, they're no good, if they show any resistance, keep them. pictures would be helpful as well
  19. LoopDigga

    Saliva n 'L'

    in my growbox:hump:
  20. LoopDigga

    250 watt MH 8 veg 400watt hps flowering

    no, I'd do 6 at most.