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  1. G

    My new grow journal with pics...purple power, bb cheese

    Alright everyone i went crazy today in the closet...:hump: My 4 small babies are 2 weeks old, i told myself i was going to start these at two weeks flowering because the other two girls you see i started at one month....yeah snap... So all i did in the closet is make more room for the 4 young...
  2. G

    I hate Room Mates!

    loud blunts is right.put them in your room so it is your fault...they wont worry about it so much..and if they ask, tell them you harvested them and if they smoked they couldnt have any for being dicks about it...
  3. G

    My New Grow Room Built By Hubby!

    Will he build me one too...;P
  4. G

    Will i only get tiny plants with small buds?!

    Lots of people start seedlings off as 12/12 and ive seen plants yeild and ounce a piece doing that....
  5. G

    First grow (pics) need advice

    Easy on the nutes....your not normally suppose to give them nutes till about 2 weeks after growth...depeding on how your growing..
  6. G

    Bronzing between veins, curling like a taco shell. PICS

    looks like iron in the iron deffiency, check what your using for nutes and make sure it dont have alot of iron in will kill the leaves, make them dry and crunchy also...I would try and flush the soil and try some 1/2 strength of what your using...everyone else is right by...
  7. G

    5-0 oink oink oink

    Yeah he is a cop...anyone who has been in the GAME as long as he says he is...would know that no one would ever just tell you all the people growing in town and what there growing...what a fucking tit...and the fact he just wants tips from the growers, he can get them here without meeting anyone...
  8. G

    25 stoners vs. 1 cop *video*

    Dude that was some dope as shit...see man if we stick to our numbers how can they catch us all....ha ha...dumb as cop...
  9. G

    Grow Journal #5-12/12 from seed to finish, 400W Grow Cabinet, Hydro & Soil

    I love the 12/12 method...havent tried it yet but reading about it, it sounds great...My two females in flower are so bushy, one is growing straight up the other isnt...I dont have a whole lot of space so this would be ideal for me...My other 4 p.p are on 1 week of veg...might put them into...
  10. G

    My new grow journal with pics...purple power, bb cheese

    Hey everyone new pics....girls in flower and my ones in veg... The ones in veg. are on 11 days...gave them a bit of nutes and they shot up and out...The one is still acting all burnt, but all the others are fine...i dont really The one in the middle is a clone of the big female i got...
  11. G

    Did my plant go hermie on me ?********PICS

    It will continue to flower...If its your only one man, keep will be smoke...not the best smoke...And you never know it could just end up to be a seedy girl...and you got seeds for your next grow...Dont snip anything, i would say...then you got some seeds...
  12. G

    Just the one NZ girl...

    Damn...ate the branch clear off...fuckers, i love indoor grow...;) But its looking dank as shit bro...Mines just over three weeks, my two girlys...;) How long has yours been flowering, just wondering what i have to look forward to...mines about half of what yours is now...
  13. G

    My third time around with 600 watt hps

    damn man....lookin make me want to be a better stoner... I hope my next grow will produce dank as nugs like that...cant wait till my cheese comes excited....thinking about reading up and tryin to cross breed or whatever its called and have some purple power...
  14. G

    Flourescent Sunrise: A CFL / HPS Adventure

    Checked out the grow bro...looks one plant is curling like yours did at first..looking at your grow im not as worried anymore..i got a clone in my recent pic, took it of my flowering girl...cant wait to see your end result...will be watchin..saw my first red hairs on my baby...
  15. G

    My new grow journal with pics...purple power, bb cheese

    Does anyone know what my plant in the back left hand corner is doing....It looks like nute burn but i know its not...i thought i got the lights to close and burned it....I use just plaine water and after 1 week i only put 1 drop of nutes in a calls for 14 drops a gallon and i only use...
  16. G

    Are my plant too tall?

    Hey bro, got an easy solution without any bull...bury the stem up almost to the first set of leaves.....that part of the stem will take root, and the plant will be stronger. So find another pot those jiffy pots are hard to get watering right, drying out and such...get a bit smaller pot for each...
  17. G

    Plant 6 weeks into Bud and dying

    I hear ya....if you check my grow journal i use cfl's...didnt want to buy big unless i knew i could still do it...this is my first grow in like 5 years...but be patient young the plant could still take two more weeks... Im with ever ready if you want start your flush now and in a week...
  18. G

    Getting close. mmmmm.

    Depends on the high you want...couch lock wait till they all turn amber....if you want a good head high do it now....they look half and half bro...flush and go.....;P
  19. G

    My new grow journal with pics...purple power, bb cheese

    Sweet my first comment... thanks bro, by the way...amazing yeild and plants...holy fuck man, looks like some dank ass budd too.... My two girlys are growing out of control took them out of the box and into the closet and they are gettin taller....might have to raise the Gonna use...
  20. G

    First grow

    Your overwatering, i can tell by how wet the soil need to wait till the soil is crusty on top and about 2 inches down before watering...And only water around the plant and not a whole lot...Also they are major stretched, get the lights closer...what lights are you using...??? And you...