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  1. shwamie

    jar curing help

    good info FDD. what do you do to get your buds to the "spongy" stem stage? just let them hang upside down in a dark place, like a closet, or do you put them right from the plant in a paper bag till that point?
  2. shwamie

    One leaf

    yeah, thats exactly what mine is like. i dont get it, hopefully somoen can explain :D
  3. shwamie

    One leaf

    ic.... yeah it seems like they are growing kinda slow at first, the past couple days they seemed to have improved w/ growth rate. I think they were flowered unintentionally at first them they had to revert back.. hm. thanks for the input!
  4. shwamie

    One leaf

    Ok, so at each node the leaves only have 1 leaf, instead of nice fan leaves 5+. why would they grow that way? I got them from clones, they've been in the outside soil for roughly 20days. Its late at night, but tomorrow ill post some pics.
  5. shwamie

    Haze clone Michigan

    well thaanks(i think?) to Global warming nov. might even be possible :O
  6. shwamie

    Haze clone Michigan

    :peace: THANKS! means a lot. first time grower so info is goood. Still couple questions remain, how often i should use the 20-20-20 soil soak, then 23-19-17 foilage spray combo? Also i didnt check my lil guys for a couple days, and my suspicions where confirmed, SPIDER MITES. Thanksfully...
  7. shwamie

    Haze clone Michigan

  8. shwamie


    So whats the word on helicopters? do most them have that heat sensor shit, that detects pot plants? if so how much of a danger are they, do they have to fly right over it to see them?
  9. shwamie

    Harvest pics (first grow!!!! please look and comment!)

    i think thats a nice grow for not useing MH/HPS... How long till your smoke is cured and rdy to hit? let us know what its like
  10. shwamie

    Haze clone Michigan

    ok awesome.. now that i know i can post pics i will take some :D. Closest Big city would be marquette U.P. mi Also i bought myself some things today.. which include 2 VEG fertilizers (dont know which to use) i was thinking a combo of them. Peters 20-20-20 all purpose plant food w/ nutrigro...
  11. shwamie

    Wacky Bag Seed : from the closet to the Great Outdoors

    where are you growing those? im growing in a spot in the woods with 3 plants near each other, and im all parinoid about hellicopters. you have more than i in a open area and no worries?
  12. shwamie

    Supercrop gone bad

    send a pic?
  13. shwamie

    plant food v.s nutrients?

    think all he ment really. was light it self, is in fact plant food. and nutrients are important, because in order to maximize the food (light) your plant gets, you need to use nutes
  14. shwamie

    looking good

    does super croping produce the same result as bending and tying them down?
  15. shwamie

    lookn good

    Looking good!
  16. shwamie

    Haze clone Michigan

    No I have not. Where do I sign it, and read info on it? what kind of fertilaizer did you use? Also today I noticed that there was a couple holes chewed in a couple leaves, and some tiny black dots?? spider mites? i hope not. None the less there might be a issue any suggestions on pesisides/...
  17. shwamie

    Haze clone Michigan

    I have 3 haze plants growing outside right now in MI. I heard they are late flowering; and was wondering, if so, how late? Any information about haze that would improve my chances of a successfull grow would be much appriciated. Such as fertilizer selections, pruneing suggestions. Thanks