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  1. shwamie

    What do you think......Should I harvest?

    awesome pics.. Grats on your harvest!
  2. shwamie

    buds getting dry? HELP

    Yeh, my plants around about 7.5 weeks old, and after a huge storm nearly wipeing them out (one plant, 2 limbs were split, which i put a "splint" on). now, a week or more after, the tops of most buds are a little dry, but they definatly appear to be growing still. Also ever since, ive been...
  3. shwamie

    Stem Broke! Help

    ok cool think i got it setup ok for now. if we get hit again w/ a storm sh it wont be pretty. i used shoelace to support it.. so this is not uncommon to happen?
  4. shwamie

    Stem Broke! Help

    lmao. how do i support them? cuz they wanna fall down. are they always gunna be droopy noW? im hopeing they didnt rip tomuch to the point that they cant get enough water/nuts
  5. shwamie

    Stem Broke! Help

    oh wow i just looked at your 2nd pic. that got ripped bad.
  6. shwamie

    Stem Broke! Help

    ya these were laying on the ground. sucks!. i really hope they live cuz they were really nice stalks. But you get what i mean. these 2 stems, meet into one stem. and they ran down. so ya if it works. im thinkin ill just tie them all up again some how.. Is there a way to tell if they are...
  7. shwamie

    Stem Broke! Help

    We had a nasty storm last night. and where 2 branges meet in Y shape. the 2 split, and ran down. so they are both laying the ground! what do i do, can i bind them back up together? they are slightly attached, or do i cut and harvest! please answer quick!
  8. shwamie

    2 weeks left?

    i want a stoney body buzz
  9. shwamie

    2 weeks left?

    I was just wondering a good way to tell, when your plant has about 2 weeks remaining in its grow cycle? I need to do this because of the obvious reason. but i dont want to stop to early as to give them their maximum potential of growth. Like should i stop when the hairs around 1/4 amber? or...
  10. shwamie

    Soon to be Dank

    ya, cant wait to see how they are going to look in 4 weeks. Mine just started turning purple this past night, purple haze!
  11. shwamie

    Soon to be Dank

    mmmm man, that looks nice, just sweating with resin!
  12. shwamie

    Soon to be Dank

    heres a couple Update pics of my HAZE plants!! most are within a week pics.
  13. shwamie

    I am so scared now.

    lmao, dude thats the funniest shit ive read in awhile! ahahaha. then Micheal just spices it up a notch with the ambush remark lol. But I do agree with Micheal on one thing, it was most likely a deer grunt.
  14. shwamie

    Purple branches

    Mine are doing this as well.. I dont think its anything to worrie about, as ive seen many other grows with this same issue.
  15. shwamie

    Yielding Nuggets

    Yepp, im hopeing for 1.5 months left on these Haze plants as well. Man, time seems slow when all you wanna do is smoke some dank weed, that YOU grew yourself, man, thats just heaven baby. and the bigger they get, the more you can hear them say "smoke me". buts its like a naughty thought of sex...
  16. shwamie

    stumbled apon a field of green

    can i just say LOL. 100 plants? if the dude thats growin them isnt takin care of them that closely, then he should feel lucky to only get a couple plants out of a 100 taken, i would personally. even 95 plants would be a awesome outcome. In short. if you take any, take small amounts. like i say...
  17. shwamie

    Yielding Nuggets

    Finallly my other plant started some buds! only took a month longer than it should have. Hopefully its a fast flowerer, cuz its only got 2 months!
  18. shwamie

    Soon to be Dank

    Nice healthy looking plants DMX. 32 6fters you said in another thread. thats pretty sweet. next season ill be growing more numbers myself. Possible strains will be: Sage & Sour. NL, Afghani, or some time of purple strain might be nice. Any suggestions on some strains that, have a decent...
  19. shwamie

    Soon to be Dank

    Here are some nice closeups i took today, finally figured out how to get closer clear images with this camera. I took these pics like a hour ago. ENJOY
  20. shwamie

    It's a jungle out there

    To answer the question if NL grows well outside, my friend, thats all he grows. Its a very hearty plant, can put that baby anywhere, and barely feed it, and it still produces rather well. So with a little TLC, those will be beautiful!