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  1. tiptronix

    Expired Painkillers

    i have a bunch of pure caffeine powder, vikes and caffeine is really fun. :)
  2. tiptronix

    Interesting Thought...

    or why not expirement and invent something new? Instead of criticizing others ideas why don't you go buy some coke and hit a bowl?
  3. tiptronix

    best way to take ambien?

    I had a very bad experience with ambien, i took it like i was told, for a sleep disorder, and it made me go out of my mind, i was doing crazy weird shit and freaked my parents out. The doc said it reacted weird with my body and made me sleep walk.. Fuck ambien. It pretty much ruined my...
  4. tiptronix

    Expired Painkillers

    LOL, i would have eaten all mine by the exp date for sure too, but im just curious because i come across full bottles of expired product.
  5. tiptronix

    Expired Painkillers

    So far all websites say expired pain killers lose potency over time because of moisture in the air.
  6. tiptronix

    Expired Painkillers

    I'm going to do a google search now, but, where did you hear that opiates get stronger over time? Does anyone else here think that too?
  7. tiptronix

    Interesting Thought...

    ...more like "Crack Head", but anyway, it's called moderation.. lol
  8. tiptronix

    Interesting Thought...

    You, my friend, are an asshole. I'm just trying to have fun here, I would never do such a thing to my children; if i ever have children..
  9. tiptronix


    I just ordered 5000 seeds of the White Gigantum strain. I'm going to try a batch indoors just for fun and then plant rest after fall beings that i'm in Oregon and the winter freeze is coming..
  10. tiptronix

    Damn Opiates :wall:

    well i got lucky then.. ill stick to weed for now..
  11. tiptronix

    Ecstasy: Must-Experience Before You Die

    i want k, i cant find any.
  12. tiptronix

    Interesting Thought...

    getting caught with weed is not a big deal. getting caught with cocaine is a felony. getting caught with cocaine infused weed? same as plain weed. I am a genius.
  13. tiptronix

    so can i pee on my plants

    Im going to infuse different chem's into the weed. Giving it the extra kick the user wants. Bioengineering weed.
  14. tiptronix

    so can i pee on my plants

    haha, the plants will thrive in a methane rich environment. Gotta love CH4.
  15. tiptronix

    so can i pee on my plants

    I prefer concentrated HCl
  16. tiptronix

    Interesting Thought...

    lets have some fun with this
  17. tiptronix

    Interesting Thought...

    SPEED BALLS are insane, so fun..
  18. tiptronix

    Interesting Thought...

    tckfui is special.
  19. tiptronix

    Interesting Thought...

    lol that would be some funny shit.