Interesting Thought...


Well-Known Member
DUDE!!!!! you are the man!!! I forgot about this thread!!! so it worked!!! that kicks ass bro, too bad this is all illegal or I would have patented the process:mrgreen:

so it gave you numb throat and lips!! was it similar to sprinkling coke on you weed or different??

also if you had taken that same amount of coke and just sprinkled it on your buds, would it have messed you up more or the same you think. Basically Im wondering if there was any loss of the product due to this process which I imagine there may be some left in the stem. man oh man this means you can smuggle cocaine in a watermelon possibly:mrgreen: or a tobacco plant :mrgreen:

this is prolific, I want everyone to start brain storming how we can expand on this to cause the whole world to be rip roaring for some bionic weed yo!!:mrgreen:

I think I might have to do this experiment. I never really do coke except like on a rare chance its available at a party when Im drunk but I might pick me up like a $40 bag and let one of my top colas drink it :mrgreen:

No one should try coke if they never had it before, many people cannot stop. specially people who have alcoholism in their families. any one will get real addicted too of they do coke often, usually you do it every weekend next thing you know you did some on Wednesday then your fucked you'll take it anytime specially when your offered it free which is the worst.

anyway theres your declaimer guys:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Hell yes! I will try to expand.

And im sure there was some product loss, i didnt smoke the stems where some was probably left. But im going to do it again and wait a little longer. I hope i discovered a new method of drug trafficking! Yes, let us all expand on this.


Well-Known Member
pretty crazy shit... I didnt even think of that... it sounds like it might work... now all we need is about 45 lbs of cheesedoodles and were set...


Well-Known Member
lol, for smuggling coke around it would be in water melons, then you would have to extract it.. i think it would be pretty $$ though.. i dunno.


Well-Known Member
lolooool hows that for a nice refresher at a family BBQ:mrgreen:

some water melon that will paralize your whole face with one bite lolol:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
pretty crazy shit... I didnt even think of that... it sounds like it might work... now all we need is about 45 lbs of cheesedoodles and were set...
yea man people who smoke bionic bud will be the skinniest fat people on earth

wait what?


Well-Known Member
ok so lets take this now in a direction that may help the "Medical" comunity.

you could chop up some codine and have your branch suck it up to make

sleeping bud:mrgreen:
or have it suck up your viagra, you old dogs:blsmoke: then just smoke out and get dirty:mrgreen:

and my last suggestion which would be the nastiest shit on i think is have them suck up some 40X salvia extract:neutral:

oh yea an one more for the guys who have good life insurace policies, have it suck up a speed ball coke & H :roll:

make some speed weed:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
getting caught with weed is not a big deal.
getting caught with cocaine is a felony.
getting caught with cocaine infused weed? same as plain weed.

I am a genius.


Well-Known Member
I still think we should get the cheese doodles... and also we need um like... hey can we grow coca plants and get free cocaine?


Well-Known Member
haha... what do you think hes going to give it to his kid???
I know doctors that are like aw I dont want to have a kid I dont think I'm fit to bring a baby into this world... in the mean time im only 18i and have lots of friends that are wayyy big retarted dick heads that have kids... some are even younger than me... but they probably didn't even think twice about what they were doing... I mean I know really scummy project people that cant afford to buy themselves food but will give there little kid a 200 dolar pair of nikes... I mean what the fuck the kids 2 months old... give him a paper bag or some shit... no dont do that... But there just wayyyy dumb people having kids without any thought or remorse... unless there upset about child support... I think someone who gives exctacy and cocke is a better partent than... I'd say at least 45% of parents...


Active Member
wouldn't u get addicted to coke if u put it all over your crop because plant usually make a few ounces by the time its over u would be a fucking coke head