Interesting Thought...


Well-Known Member
Man arent oxys way worse than extacy... never tried oxyconten but I used to sell it... nasty stuff... its basicaly heroine... my cousin is addicted to him... gota beet him up about that...


Well-Known Member
ho ho really? I didn't know that... still pretty crazy though... every once inawhile is cool I guess though... there expensive as all hell though... dont know about in oregon... what do you pay??? what Mg


Well-Known Member
pretty much fifty cents to a dollar per milligram. Getting H here is actually cheaper and easier than getting pill, lol. but ive only smoked that shit twice..


Well-Known Member
same way hear... pretty much same prices... I used to sell wholesale though... 10 bucks a pop... no matter the Mg
Now that I look back... I want to kick myself in the ass


Well-Known Member
haha, i have those times too, i sold x at 10 when i could easily get 15 to 20 cuz i was the only guy selling atm.


Well-Known Member
Yea man the real deals pretty cool... dont know why people put all sorts of nasty crazy shit in it...


Well-Known Member
yea... I guess so... but whats the use in being a street chemist if you can't cook up some good old fasion MDMA???


Well-Known Member
because sassafras is nearly impossible to get.. and ephedra is becoming scarce.. and iodine is hard to get.


Well-Known Member
lol i got busted stealing power tools from home depot when i was a teanager, they caught me with 2 dewalt drills worth a few dollars under the 500 felony limit. hehe i did manage to get away with 6 others the week before and the day after though...big corporations like that cut corners on everything and skimp every penny they can for there execs and shareholders, while simultaniously driving all the small family owned stores out of business, screw corporations, they are taking over the country and own most of the polititions.

so wait a minute...there is a way to break into soda machines with glue???? how????


Well-Known Member
YOU read the whole fucking thing???
its 16 pages... thats alot of pages. of high people babbaling...
With epoxy putty... the stuf that cums in a tube the outer layer is light grayish and the inside core is metalic looking claysometimes 2 seperate tubes... you mixt the clay until its a consistent color... than stuff it into the key whole... have to work really fast... put alitle putty in at a time because the whole key whole thing needs to be filled... then wait a minute so it dosnt rip apart... than gentlyy pull it out... you now have a coca cola machine key... unfortunatly on the newer machines thats only half the battle. many machines also have a patlock on the door... and inside the machine there is a lock on the money box :(
fortunatly machines can hold up to 2600 bucks I believe it is... so keep in mind your half way there :)
you can hack newer machines and see how much money is inside to know if its worth your time... you push buttons 4 2 3 1... 1 beeing all the way on the left 4 beeing all the way on the right... this only works on new machines with 4 buttons in a horizontle row
than you push 2 or 3 either works... might not you can play around with it until you figure it out... 2 and 3 should be the menue scrole buttons and 4 should be enter... you can see how much money is in it... how much it has sold and other shit... theres also a way to get free soda... but I forget...
cool shit though...