Interesting Thought...


Well-Known Member
yea there pretty expensive... I was just reading about a grow kit... talks all about how you need to do nothing... and than tries to sell you a 500 page book on growing shrooms... I thought I needed to do nothing... why do I need 500 pages of info on it if no shit is required???

I'm going to have to buy some of thoes seeds... 35 bucks for feminized seeds... THATS INSANE


Well-Known Member
you dont need to do anything...after you build all sorts of shit for it.. lots of variables need to be controlled for a grow.


Well-Known Member
Homestead Book Company the Oldest Counter Culture Book Distributor in the World

The first one says that all you do is shake a sealed container... and than put it in their growbox and than thats it... Its says you dont water it theres no syringe with spose... no complex petry dishes ohhh complexxx dishss no steril work at all!
"mix the grain and psilcybe Cubensis spores together without ever opening the bag!... After grain is colonized mix it with compost"

than put in the plastic grow box put in warm area and wait a couple of weeks for you shrooms to grow. no watering no nothing no looking no tuching. everything is done automaticaly

thats what it says.... ....


Well-Known Member
it does... but so did... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... some hot bitchis tits... but they were realll I saw them... I was there it happen


Well-Known Member
way off topic but since nobody besides us is following this thread anymore, what methods does the post office take to prevent contraband from being mailed? do they xray everything? ive always wondered...


Well-Known Member
me too... when I was little I had a video about the post office... but it was from the 1980s... so not very relevant... I watched it again a few years ago to find out... didnt look like they did anything at all back then...
But now they probably do... what type of contraband are we talking about?


Well-Known Member
Well my cousin in another state has tons of LSD and Ketamine for me, its super rare in Oregon so i get from her and bring it here... But my license is suspended so I cant go get it this time...


Well-Known Member
hmmm... I'd imagine mailing paper would be pretty easy... unless there are drug snifing dogs...
I went to the statue of liberty on friday... and when you go in you go into a little both thaat shoots air at you and than snifs it up... it sniffs for drugs and bombs and chemicals... I thought it would stop me for smelling like weed... it kept me in there really long... but It must have desided it wasnt strong enough to be actual fresh herb... pretty cool though... thought I would just throw that in...


Well-Known Member
how well do they work... like If i smoked a cigar full of some straight up crack weed... would it break balls???


Well-Known Member
hoho they dont blow the shoes... only your torso... youd imagine it would be harder getting through with coke than weed


Well-Known Member
but they might have a somthing else that machinese can detect... those machines must be better than dogs right? or else why the fuck waist money on a machine... when dogs are cheap


Well-Known Member
What man... dogs know how to smell you dont need to tell them... just tell them what smells to bark at... I mean using the usual reward training system you would think it would be pretty simple to get a dog to folow the smell of coke or weed... just give them food everytime they smell it and than they say heyyyy smelling coke equals food... pretty cool...
I'v been wrong many many times though... and cops are notoriouse liers... so their probably trying to get extra money by saying that... cops... ass. cops no one even likes them... what the fuck is there problem man? they like to arrest kids too much... from the time from when I was 16-18 all they did was break my balls and arrest me... and jail in NY sucks... heard in the suberbs dosnt sound bad at all... but central bookings... 5 feet by 5 feet with 50 5000 lbs black people and no food for 3 days... not to much fun... and thats what they like doing to little white children... after I turned 18 they left me alone... but maybe there just trying to build up a big enough case... bumbumbummmm