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  1. S

    Leaves drooping and stems turning purple????

    yeah definately, except im not allowed to bring them back inside >.< since that ass may have ratted me out... anyone know cop policies? can they come search just by word of someone? from a diferent town at that? like i meen get a warrant? i heard they need to get a report on a person first...
  2. S

    Leaves drooping and stems turning purple????

    well yeah, my plants are close by... they only get direct direct sunlight for id say... 4-5 hours day, while the rest isnt right on them... i meen, hey they definately grew... or the little one did... its been outside since 2 days ago and it finally is taller than the ruler... so its definately...
  3. S

    Leaves drooping and stems turning purple????

    and mine look nowhere as good as your dave, my stems stretchd so much in the beginning, so the first three sets of leaves are very very spaced out... im just happy because i have new growth coming from the lower leaves, so hopefully in about 2 weeks i can begin flowering and be doneeee with this...
  4. S

    Leaves drooping and stems turning purple????

    thanks guys! the plants are about 12.5 and 13 inches tall. as for sun, they have just light, not enough... so im going to move them into it as soon as i know where it is... too cloudy right here right now... as for the rain... it better stop soon... theyre used to around maybe 1/4 cup every 2 days
  5. S

    Leaves drooping and stems turning purple????

    i checkd out the FAQ plant problems and the sticky posted in here.... i dont see any problems and solutions for it.... i recently moved them outside due to a "friend (hah)" threatening to call the cops as a procaution... and with my luck... we had a LOT of rain... so im assuming the leaves...
  6. S

    Soonest Can I Begin Flowering?

    lol awesome, i think im pretty close then... i have about 3 good sets of leaves on the top, and i have about 4 sets of alive leaves, thats about it... im more of a visual learner, but im assuming the node is where the smaller stem holding the leaves comes out of the plant? and thumbs up to ur...
  7. S

    Soonest Can I Begin Flowering?

    hey everyone, riht now, my plants are about 12.5 and 11 inches tall i know i cant have them flower yet, but at about what height should they be mature enough to flower? if it helps... i had a VERY crappy start, so i really dont have as many leaves as i should for the height... the first 2-3...
  8. S

    Male plants?

    awesome! i dont even know if i have any males or females yet... im just prepairing for the worst cause one friend said out of ten seeds im lucky to have maybe 2 females.. and i only have 2 plants so... yeah lol
  9. S

    Male plants?

    do male plants still produce thc... like... can u still smoke them? also, is about a foot too early for harvest?
  10. S

    Topping question

    hey everyone. i want to make my plants bushier/more leave or what ever... ive heard toppings the way to do it... pretty much im here to ask.. how? what to a cut and where? anybody have any input? if it helps, the leaves are about an inch in length, the plants arew around 8 and ten inches tall...
  11. S

    white spots and gold streaks?!

    mm, not really... i have a cieling fan i can keep turned on, or i can always open up the window?
  12. S


    well it seems like no one can help you hear... best i can tell yeh is to get a seed germanated and see how it goes... if it works, awesome, if not... hopefully you have more seeds... sry :-/
  13. S

    Paranoid Question About Keeping an Online Grow Log...

    overall, long as you dont have a ton of plants, id say any more than three (at least thats what i hear up here) then they cops shouldnt waste too much time... its dealers that are wanted, not the buyers usually...
  14. S

    NOT AGAIN! How do I stop doing this?

    yeah i have to agree... honestly, mine wouldnt have made it. my aunt bought me some more soil and i had to transplant them a third time... but theyre doing incredible now. theyre already on their fourth set of leaves (with the way my parents bug out n turn the lights off in fear of a fire...
  15. S

    white spots and gold streaks?!

    Hey everyone... pretty much the title says it all... my plant(s) are getting white spots and gold streaks on the leaves?... i cant show a picture right now because my cameras dead, and this house neverrrr has batteries >.< but yeh... any ideas on why the leaves are doing this? the white spots...
  16. S

    Plant problem? PLEASE IDENTIFY??

    Ok, so a while ago the one leaf on my plant started yellowing, but its spreading... this is the best pic i could get of it
  17. S

    NOT AGAIN! How do I stop doing this?

    im pretty confident in your plants. both of my plants have stretched to a point where i thought they couldnt be saved... and i saved em... they got to a point where the stems were so weak that they couldnt stand at all. an idea, use bendy straws to hold them up as long as the stems still thin...
  18. S

    Need some advice

    and sorry to keep posting, i keep forgetting other parts i meen to add in. as for yellow leaves... could be a number of problems. theirs a thread in the general growing board that has a list, or you can check the growing FAQ on top of the page. i personally would reccomend just putting it in a...
  19. S

    Need some advice

    the sinlight your giving that plant i would NOT reccommend. indeed it is growing, so it really depends on when you want it to flower. it looks like a relatively small plant though. if i were you, i would get about 2-4 CF (compact flourescent) lights and put them around it. i havnt seen many...
  20. S

    Need some advice

    ooh, and if the roots are sticking out of the bottom of the pot, i would consider transfering the plant asap. if you havent transfered the plant at all, then it should be fine, but make sure when transfering it, that you do it quickly, and painlessly for the plant. if the soils pretty stuck...