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  1. S

    Need some advice

    looks like a beauty to me... leaves are green, size is nice what kinda lightin u using on it?
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    Leaf problem? Grow problem thread didnt quite answer it

    awesome. its not my closet, its actually my room. theyre in the right corner next to my cmputer desk, but there is definately a lot of ventilation during the day. its mainly when i wanna cool off that i close the door so my ac can work full effect... over all though, the ventilation is fine i...
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    Leaf problem? Grow problem thread didnt quite answer it

    oh crap!! that was something i definately overlooked... i knew it was an incandescent, but i assumed since it was a grow bulb, it would work for the plants. right now all i have is a 13 watt CF... what minimum watt cf would u recommend? i can have 2 max, one from a lamp and one from a suspended...
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    Leaf problem? Grow problem thread didnt quite answer it

    Hey everyone. Okay, so i already looked at the list of plant problems, and this one to me doesnt quite add up... Here are the full details: - I have two plants, both are about 4 inches out of the soil now (were larger but they stretched to much and i burried them deeper - I water them both...
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    awesome! thanks man. i think its mainly stretching.. the stems are grew fast in the beginning because i used a regular light bulb (they encourage stem growth i believe) so i buried them a bit deeper and now theyre standing fine, and the stems are getting harder and thicker now
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    Leaf color change and epsom salt question

    hey everyone... the leaves on my plants are getting to be a darker green than the first set.. is this a problem? i was thinking not enough water, too much water? lack of neutrients? too much or too little light? any ideas or input??
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    any recomendations on fertilizers/neitrients?? my stems are weak as ever, any special minerals i should make sure to have to biuld up the strength??
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    Lighting and Stem question!!!???

    hey everyone. So today i got another light. right now i have a 13 watt CF light, a AgroSun Grow light thats 60 watts, and i just got a GE Plant Grow and Show light thats 50 watts... now, the GE light looks the same as the grow light, a spot light type. BUT, this ones tinted blue. now i KNOW for...
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    shroom question

    man, u want sumthin fun. night time is good for deeper stuff in my oppinion. if u get enough, ull find urself lost, having the BEST convos with inatimate objects. i talked to lamps, plants, my couch, my tv, and i cursed out my fridge cause he ddidnt wanna open it
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    Help! Plants are falling!

    Ok, so right now im using a 60 watt AgroSun Dayspot Grow Bulb. Its in a 40 watt lamp though. The light is about 4.5 inches away from both of them, ONLY because i have one light on both plants. the thing is, it says its a 60 watt INCANDESCENT bulb, yet its a grow light???? theyre definatelyu...
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    Would a 20 Watt CFL be enough for one plant?

    Ownthink, this is an idea, but i REALLY dont recommend it, but it CAN Work. IF you KNOW you know you can get the right lighting, you CAN use a regular incandescent light bulb, but it makes stems grow through the roof. I used it for five days, and now im stuck using bendy straws to hold my plants...
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    Help! Plants are falling!

    do either of u think that theyll eventually build up strength in the stem though? and if so, how long?
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    Help! Plants are falling!

    thanks guys, botha yeh!!! im gona try to go with the soil and straw, which ever i can get too first
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    Help! Plants are falling!

    hey everyone, ivew been growing my plants for a solid week. one is 4 inches, the other is 3.5ish... the first five days i used a regular incandescent bulb, but i switched to a grow light with full daylight spectrum. my problem is, my plants are starting to droop, and i dont know how to fix that...
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    1st grow.. does everything look normal?

    well id have to say theyre looking good. its my first time growing too, and ive had mine gowin for a week straight... the stems are almost 8 inches tall, but i have no foliage what so ever...
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    Question about lighting and plants distance

    ok, and do you think a normal florscent (tube) light would work for both of them if put above both of them? and i also heard epsom salt helps them grow or what ever, im not sure if its ment for normal soil growing like im doing or something else. since i just divided the two plants a few minutes...
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    Question about lighting and plants distance

    ahh! i also ment to ask. the two seeds are sharing a 2 liter soda bottle, so if i split them both up, what size container would you recommend for each??
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    Question about lighting and plants distance

    azgrow, your right, i have a lot more to read up on, and pseudonym, thanks! i intend on getting a timer. the main reason its really not on as much is because i dont like to leave it on during the day. i turn the light on at 4pm and off at 7am, because dsurint the day the light in the corner of...
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    Question about lighting and plants distance

    hey everyone, im new tot his site. this is my first time growing. i tried last year, but the only seed that sprouted was killed by spider mites >.< so now im at it again. im growin currently 2 plants in my brother room behind his dresser. im using a basic light bulb (getting a florescent...