Search results

  1. Lobo69

    Outdoor Godbud/Kush 2008 grow

    Hey, Just got some shots of my babies. These were started inside under 400 watt hps, in an ebb and flow system, in rockwool cubes in early may. Growth was stunted a few times due to getting the bugs worked out in my ebb and flow system. I transplanted them to an outdoor plot in mid june. I...
  2. Lobo69

    reg seeds

    Should be 50/50
  3. Lobo69

    Not much secondary growth

    Oh yeah...what about training them to the ground to encourage more side growth?
  4. Lobo69

    Not much secondary growth

    My plants have been transplanted outdoors now for about a month. They were started in a hydro flood and drain system with rockwool cubes, and were transplanted into soil with a mix of existing/potting soil, worm castings, blood and bone meal, and lime. I have not given them any other ferts in...
  5. Lobo69

    Flowering for a first timer.

    Well, I think plants start to show their sex about 2-3 weeks into flower. So once they show their flowers you got about 60 days to go...
  6. Lobo69

    Chewwys outdoor grow,Poison Durban Clones(PICS)

    Hey, The plants look like they are doing alright. I have a grow going outdoors and the best solution I have found for bugs, is about 8 ml of neem oil/liter of water with about 5 drops of plain dish soap (I use Sunlight brand). I mix this in a blender until it is totally white and I cannot see...
  7. Lobo69

    soggy leaf tips?

    Hey, I planted a few plants in an outdoor plot. They've only been outside a week. When I was at the plot today, I noticed some of the upper leaf tips had gotten soggy, mushy, kind of look like wet shriveled lettuce. I was wondering if anyone could help me identify what this is? Thanks.
  8. Lobo69

    cheep & quick digital thermostat for heating or cooling

    Thanks...I guess it's back to home depot...damn...thought it was too good of a deal for 29 bucks :cry:
  9. Lobo69

    cheep & quick digital thermostat for heating or cooling

    I've opened the package... I think I may have the wrong thermostat:cry: The exact model is Honeywell RLV3100A This thermostat cannot be used with the following: -resistive load under 2A -resistive load over 12 A -systems driven by a contactor or a relay(inductive load) -fan-forced heating...
  10. Lobo69

    cheep & quick digital thermostat for heating or cooling

    Awesome...Mine says it has a Triac Silent switching relay, Would this matter? Do most thermostats have both sets of contacts? My model is a Honeywell digital non-programmable for baseboards and convectors. Its say 3000w @ 240v @ 12.5 amps. What is the difference between this and your "reversing...
  11. Lobo69

    Rockwool Clay pellet mix

    Hi. I was wondering if anyone has had good success with using a rockwool/clay pellet combination when growing in a flood and drain system. I have a bag of loose rockwool and some clay pellets. When using net pots, should I mix them together, or layer them? What percentages of each? Thanks.
  12. Lobo69

    A pound or more per month

    I'm planning to have a perpetual harvest similar to Al B's. Three 2x4 flood tables, each with it's own nute tank. I'll harvest 20 plants every 3 weeks. The tables will be lit by two 400 watters. At that rate I would need to haul .65 oz per plant per harvest. It theoretically works out to be 33...
  13. Lobo69

    cheep & quick digital thermostat for heating or cooling

    Okay... So the thermostat has to be for line voltage , correct? Sorry I'm a little confused about wiring these. Do I take apart the thermostat and re-wire it to use the other set of contacts on the relay? Or, do I connect the thermostat straight to the fan? Could you please explain? Thanks again.
  14. Lobo69

    A pound or more per month

    Hi, I was wondering if it is reasonable to assume that I could harvest a pound per month using two 400 watt hid lamps for flowering in a flood and drain system. What would be the best way to grow my plants ( SOG, Scrog, etc.)? What size of an area should I have for flowering? and how many...
  15. Lobo69

    Pest control

    forgot to mention this above...I'm also looking for something to control grey mold on buds as well. I hear neem oil is good...any suggestions? Thanks
  16. Lobo69

    Pest control

    Hey, I'm looking for a good homemade all around bug spray recipe containing natural ingredients including garlic, peppers, neem oil, soap etc. Please include when to repeat applications etc...many thanks.
  17. Lobo69

    Plants bending over?

    Thanks for the replies. I just got back from visiting them and most of them have straightened back up again...very strange...I haven't experienced this before. I have staked the plants that were still bending. I'm gonna check back tomorrow. the bugs are really bad there... mostly slugs and ants...
  18. Lobo69

    Plants bending over?

    I currently have 11 plants growing in an outdoor plot. They were transplanted from 4" rockwool to soil 4 days ago. The plants were approximately 3.5 weeks old when i transplanted. They had filled out the rockwool cubes with roots. Yesterday I applied safer's 3 in 1, and coated the leaves well...
  19. Lobo69

    cheep & quick digital thermostat for heating or cooling

    Oh yeah...I just found these on Ebay...Would these be able to be wired for 120 volt? Thanks again.
  20. Lobo69

    cheep & quick digital thermostat for heating or cooling

    Hey, first post... First of all, I would like to thank Al for his very informative threads. I have learned much... I have a question regarding wiring these thermostats for use with a 120 volt current. Sorry if I sound like a noob(I, but how can they control a 120 volt cooling fan if...