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  1. furious248

    EMERGENCY EVACUATION !!.. advice appreciated.s in

    Haha, maybe not but the clean up sounds like a nightmare on its own
  2. furious248

    Journal for my first grow. 1000w, 8 plants, 3 strains Bodhi gear. Hempy. Let's do this

    Haha fair play, might aswell dip your toes in before jumping in head first.
  3. furious248

    Journal for my first grow. 1000w, 8 plants, 3 strains Bodhi gear. Hempy. Let's do this

    You will normally find your pistils closer to the stem first, looking good so far, fingers crossed you get some nice bud at the end
  4. furious248

    Journal for my first grow. 1000w, 8 plants, 3 strains Bodhi gear. Hempy. Let's do this

    With the hard work you have put in, research you hve done i would say if you brought fem seeds you would have a very nice harvest at the end... maybe next time ? :lol::lol:
  5. furious248

    First Grow

    Really good lst there ! Im drilling holes in my pots today and am going to start training them (will upload pics later).. looks like you could have a nice harvest out of her. Where you have a fair amount of space left you could start another 1-2 seeds and have another harvest not long after your...
  6. furious248


    I use marshydro, they are very cheap and reliable. But make sure you buy off of the official marshydro store or chances are it will be fake and a fire hazard.
  7. furious248

    Is this plant to small for flowers

    Not a massive yeild if you did, but depends what you want from your grow ? :fire:
  8. furious248


    I started out using cfl's and they are a nightmare.. you need to place them all around your plant within 2-3 inches. You need to move them all the time. And by the time you have brought them and all of the clips ect to power them it would have been simpler and cheaper to buy a 300w led light...
  9. furious248

    Stunted seedlings

    If it has fixed itself then you are all good !!
  10. furious248


    I think you need to do some more research man... bongsmilie
  11. furious248

    Lemchem is it ready

    Buy yourself a x40 microscope to view the trichomes , you can guess but you may get a bad harvest, do some research about when to harvest. If nothing else and youwant to take a lucky dip then wait until all your pistils ha e turned brown
  12. furious248

    New newbie

    Hello !! , there are a fair handful of us brits here! There is a section for british growers specifically if you need anyone semi-local, not for a brew obviously but with some good info if you need it.. so sit back, roll a fat one, and welcome to r.i.u :bigjoint:
  13. furious248

    EMERGENCY EVACUATION !!.. advice appreciated.s in

    Didnt get any stuff on leaves , nothing they just ran around, maybe it was just bad luck for me
  14. furious248

    EMERGENCY EVACUATION !!.. advice appreciated.s in

    I have had a bug problem before in a previous grow, used lady bugs and got no where, tried the liquid lady bug aswell with nothing, azamax works well if you run into problems again, and its safe for humans, not preferable but safe :)
  15. furious248

    EMERGENCY EVACUATION !!.. advice appreciated.s in

    Top advice ! .. but i have managed to stall the visitor for a day and have moved a wardrobe in to housethe plants for 2 hours then they will be going back in the tent
  16. furious248

    Lokeis first grow

    Looks good !, im using the same light set up as you, will keep a eye on yours, good luck! What medium are you using, nutes ect. ?
  17. furious248

    EMERGENCY EVACUATION !!.. advice appreciated.s in

    Thanks for the reply's i have come to the conclusion that the shed at the property will be too hot so now they are going in a wardrobe indoors for 2 hours, not brilliant conditions but they will not get roasted in a shed and it wont be for long. Time for 20 bottles of frabreeze and 150 scented...
  18. furious248

    EMERGENCY EVACUATION !!.. advice appreciated.s in

    In roughly 24h i am having a visitor come to my grow location who cant find out my grow! , they will be taking a very close look at the property that is use and i need to keep my auto's fit and healthy. Would i be able to put 4 auto' in a shed for 2 hours max without damage ? The shed is quite...
  19. furious248

    Which growing medium to choose?

    Soil every time imo, saves messing about and you will get better results using soil and having a couple of slipups rather than a minor mistake in coco and losing a wholecrop.... use soil, get it to have good drainage and do your first grow, get a feel of how nutes work, harvest, have a nice...
  20. furious248

    Which growing medium to choose?

    What would your mix be ? Pre made or homemade ?