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  1. skywalker39963

    What symptoms would an underfeed plant show?

    the bottom because new growth takes from old growth
  2. skywalker39963

    what is a good air conditioner window unit

    im am running a 600 watt in a normal size apartment bedroom job, without a air conditioner the temp gets up to 90 anybody got any suggestions on a good window unit ac im looking for durability and most important cooling factor installing time and cost are no issue:joint:
  3. skywalker39963

    mr nice-{g13xxhashplant} anbody know this strain?

    someone gotta know somthing ma'fuckers
  4. skywalker39963

    mr nice-{g13xxhashplant} anbody know this strain?

  5. skywalker39963

    mr nice-{g13xxhashplant} anbody know this strain?

    just picked up the mr nice g13xhp and was wondering if anybody knew anthing that would be helpfull in making this a quality mother plant i got it in a dwc at 380 ppms 5.8-6.0 ph temp 68-80 humidity 30 under a 175 mh and 2 24 watt florecents. if anybody has or is growing this one i was wondering...
  6. skywalker39963

    mr. nice??????

    is mr nice a strain or a seed company or both ? i was at my local dispensary and the strain i chose was mr nice as i was checking things out he told me what the cross was but i cant remember then i was looking online and i see there is a seed company mr nice with some crosses available for sale...
  7. skywalker39963

    good strains

    bubble berry blue dream and purp kush
  8. skywalker39963

    f%#@king spider mites

    still u have to see that its a chemical going into your body that wouldnt normally be there and if it kills bugs then it has destructive propertys the farthest i would go to kill buugs is neem oil and predator bugs all that shit out the factory i dont trust :bigjoint:
  9. skywalker39963

    f%#@king spider mites

    i think im to close to harvenst to make a diffence with lady bugs i did think about it though:lol:
  10. skywalker39963

    f%#@king spider mites

    i know what needs to be done in the future but im trying to fix my problem now. bugs on my plants dont want to use insecticides harvesting soon once this harvest is done i got a plan of action to erradicate my mite infestations
  11. skywalker39963

    f%#@king spider mites

    yeah im trying not to use any insecticides i want to salvage this grow but not at expense of purity:bigjoint:
  12. skywalker39963

    f%#@king spider mites

    still any imput from all you spider mite haters would be much appreciated
  13. skywalker39963

    f%#@king spider mites

    i know that cold water paralizes these miites so a quick dry would counter act the extra moister that the water bring i know how i should dry and cure what i would like to know is if this idea is possible in theroy, but i do like the compressed air idea i probley go that route thanx
  14. skywalker39963

    f%#@king spider mites

    i do all this the day of harvest cut,trimed,di[ed dryed all in one day then cured not cool?
  15. skywalker39963

    f%#@king spider mites

    so i got spider mites wah wah i know its a sad story but since im so close to harvest i dont wnat to spay inceticides or anything so i figured i would freeze em out. i was thinking i would get the temps low day before harvest to slow em down then once i cut em and trim em i would actually dip...
  16. skywalker39963

    Tasteful Nudity *no marijuana required*

    ive seen butts disinagrate meth is a bad thing it turns butts into a mere shit hole
  17. skywalker39963

    Why are they Sagging

    overwatering could be the problem or high humidity witch can cause the same effect as over watering
  18. skywalker39963

    a great Mylar question for the forum.....

    i just saw your pic if you got the the whole room covered your fine because it will deflect all over the room which is what you want also your fans are gonna probly make it do the wavy thing which is cool because light will essently be moveing around providing better light penetration like i...