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  1. skywalker39963

    a great Mylar question for the forum.....

    probly not a small amount of light may be deflected that towards the ground or somthing depending on which way it is wrinkeld but its miniscle compared to the light that is deflected back to the plants i wouldnt worry about it there are plently more important things to wory about
  2. skywalker39963

    Crazy question. Please help!! Rep ^ for good answer!

    its better to flower while there short anyway because the the lower buds on the tall plants are usually pretty week unless u got a plant mover or somthing
  3. skywalker39963

    some quick help please bad smells and funny colors

    cut it clean it start over keep your water oxygenated and light out of the resovoir and change and clean your res once every week or two itll be fine
  4. skywalker39963

    It burns when I piss . . .

    one time i jerked it in the shower with some suave hair shampoo and some got in my dick hole i was pissin fire for about 4 days watch out for soaps despite the tempatation lol haha
  5. skywalker39963

    so my partner licks balls.....

    what did your partner do?
  6. skywalker39963

    so my partner licks balls.....

    the only reason im not doing it my own room is the fact my shitty apartment only has a swamp cooler that also licks balls my lease is up in feburay then i will have complete control and only be able to blame myself when im smoking my face off and i pull a scroge mcduck and am swimin in my fourtane
  7. skywalker39963

    so my partner licks balls.....

    in after thought it all boils down to the fact he doesn't appreciate the dicipline it takes to grow weed and i made a wrong the wrong desicion, i shouldnt of backed down on the cleaning issue i should of made him clean the carpets and enforced better protocols of entering the room because if the...
  8. skywalker39963

    so my partner licks balls.....

    my buddy had this extra room in his apartment i told him hey lets grow he was all for it. i had all the equipment and nutes ready to go i probly invested about 1000 bucks so the deal was he takes care of expenses, water,electricity, cleaning supplies and we would split the crop. at this point he...
  9. skywalker39963

    spider mite eggs?

    u can also cook ur soil to kill anything bad molds and bacteria i think it should kill eggs to
  10. skywalker39963

    spider mite eggs?

    still any kind a bug indoors sucks how much soil is it? is it gonna be an indoor grow?
  11. skywalker39963

    spider mite eggs?

    lose that soil unless ur using it for out door but indoor its not worth the risk
  12. skywalker39963

    Spider Mite Eggs? Respond!

    Neem oil is good preventive measure early in flowering and veg but i heard it will leave a nasty taste if on your buds late in flowering also it dont kill eggs!
  13. skywalker39963

    How would you like your corpse handled??

    i have requested a jedi funneral that would be cool
  14. skywalker39963


    does ur red cups have holes in them for drainage also if roots dont have adiquate amounts of O2 that could stunt growth also if the the plants dont have the adequate ventalation they will grow slowly im just trowing stuff at u because without a pic or detiled info its hard to tell good luck
  15. skywalker39963


    then again if u got nute lock than a ph issue have u tested the soil ph and water/nute ph?
  16. skywalker39963


    if the leafs are curling upand turing yellow then ur giving it to many nutes if ur in organic soil than u should start out the plant in just the soil till the bottom leaves show first signs of yellowing then start feeding. im not a soil grower, but i have some experience with it and im pretty...
  17. skywalker39963

    Xanax/Ambien/Seroquel Questions

    {QUOTE}And seeing shit on xanax? dude your tripping right now, permma fried or some shit i am perma fried it has gotten better since ive laid of the hard drugs i used to do alot of mushies exatcy and just about everything and i got to the point that even when i wasnt trippin i would see this...
  18. skywalker39963

    CFL Confustion - Pissed

    i would just set up an ionizer were ever the air is blowing out if thats practical for ur situation ive heard not to put ionizers in the same room as the ladies because it can affect tase and smell which is important because weed tastes and smells soooooo good.
  19. skywalker39963

    CFL Confustion - Pissed

    this is what to do, put the 10 plants under the 150 hps and what ever cfls u can then switch to the 12\12 light cycle after a week give or take the plants should be sexed take the males out and any that u want to revert back to veg, then take the cfls and revert back to vegging i would get a...
  20. skywalker39963


    yeah man u fucked up i would chalk it up as a loss and start over if u knew what was the propeR way to do things u would know to keep humidity at 42 percent or therabouts U FUCKED UP DONT RIP SOME ONE OFF