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  1. twinturbochronic

    Dwarf strains

    try these maybe, white smurf Ceres Seeds - The Original White Smurf - Online Shop
  2. twinturbochronic


    My blue mystic(skunk x blueberry) mother from seed has done her job, and at the current moment, she is 4 feet tall. IF i change the lights to 12/12 and bloom her out, how tall do you think it could be pushing, 5 maybe 6 feet?
  3. twinturbochronic


    I just ordered chumaluma from drgreenthumb. Ive serched and it doesnt seem to be a popular choice. Are the genetics at drgreentumb good? IT is supposed to be the bestest-est bud youll smoke. Anyone else here had good luck from drgreenthumb?
  4. twinturbochronic

    breeding lowryder strains

    They all yeild about the same, with the 4 cola being shorter, but the untopped plant of mine is damn near 2.5 feet tall, the topped ones are around 1.5 to 2feet. They each look to give me about the same bud. The AK x Kush Autoflower was only 10 inches tall and it gave me 50 something grams...
  5. twinturbochronic

    breeding lowryder strains

    when i topped my diesel, i got two colas just as big as a single cola, when i did a double pinch, i got 4 decent sized colas, but the plant wanted to topple over
  6. twinturbochronic

    Nutrient Burn

    have you ever just had one plant out of the bunch just be a bitch. I have 10 diesel lowryders and 9 were fems(very nice). One fem has just been a fucking whore the whole time, it is a nice bushy dense resinous plant, but she suffers nutrient burn more easily than the others. All plants are...
  7. twinturbochronic

    Havesting seed crop

    How long and why do you have to dry seeds before you may germinate them. I have one plant dropping ripe beautiful tiger-striped seeds all over my growroom, and i want to start my F1 Diesel x AK47Kush seeds from that plant. I know they have to dry, but as i said, how long, and why do you have...
  8. twinturbochronic

    paper towel?

    Just dig up some soil and seterilize it, then add some sterilized perlite, a 4 pound bag cuost me a whopping 2.50 at walmart, and 4 pounds of perlite is a shitload, you could just use perlite as your medium, some greenhouses use it, just wash it first to remove dust and ph it to 5.5, then have...
  9. twinturbochronic


    go to walmart and get a humidifier, or add a few airstones to your container of water, just like you would to add humidity to a shroomgrow Ill trade you growrooms, mine was around 80% and i had tons of mold in my buds before i got a dehumidifier, my humidity never gets lower than 50 to 60% where...
  10. twinturbochronic

    Immediately flowering after cloning

    they just wont grow as big as if you let them veg
  11. twinturbochronic

    Co2 from a paintball gun tank?

    I had my tank filled at the growshop, but when i get my paintball tanks refilled, the large cylinders say 100% CO2 on the tanks, if they put in anything else(besides minute impossible to remove amounts of CO, N, O2, etc), that would be fraud. At the grow shop, the= co2 comess from a beverage...
  12. twinturbochronic

    Aerogarden has hot water in resevoir!

    you need a water chller or find a cooler spot for your setup, maybe some reflective foil on the res to reflect back energy from the light, get the chiller on ebay, your growstore or even a pet store, bring those temps down, or else youll get powdery mildew, dead plants or botrytis. Warmer water...
  13. twinturbochronic

    what is the best additive to get rid of dead roots from males

    Id say some beneficial bacterial cultures, like foxfarm big bloom, and or some enzymes like hesi brand enzymes
  14. twinturbochronic

    My Plant Is Showing Signs of Sex in Vegging stage!

    Shes probably just waiting for you to make her bloom, they keep building up calyxs, maybe she is just preparing to make you some wicked dope
  15. twinturbochronic

    My Plant Is Showing Signs of Sex in Vegging stage!

    It means she is ready to flower!!!!!! Change the light cycle to `12/12 if you want her to start budding!!!!
  16. twinturbochronic


    I took out a plant out of its pot today to check the rootball and there were 2 worms setting right at the bottom, you could see where they had been making tunnels in the soil along the wall of the pot
  17. twinturbochronic


    I added some indoor farmed fishing nightcrawlers and let about 40 of them go, a few in each pot. The containers are 2.5 gallon, so there is plenty of space, do you think of any harm that can be done, they clean up leaf matter at lights off, then aeriate and fertilize the soil during the lights...
  18. twinturbochronic

    breeding lowryder strains

    i agree 20.4 is the best, the plants need time to rest and take in some oxygen. Plants give off co2 in the day and absorb o2 at night. The hardworking lowryder needs a little rest, and it will do its fair share of work. When i left my lights on 24, it was just like diesel said, they get all...
  19. twinturbochronic

    plants bleed red?

    does the color of your hydro solution have a dye of some type in it? That might be why it is bleeding a funny color. I know some general hydroponics chemical fertilizers are colored, and if you remember 2nd grade biology/science class, you could take a carnation and dye it any color with food...
  20. twinturbochronic

    Please - Advice My fellow Connaisseurs

    my lowryder in 5x5x5 pots give me more than 1 ounce a piece, hell get a strain called the church, its can yield up to 800 grams per square meter, now thats a harvest, its called the church, and its like 22% thc, so that should do the job see thr church at...