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  1. Schmidty

    My first plant.... i need help starting....

    You can put the light over it now. Cram however many CFL's you can into the area. The more light, the better and happier your plant will be. :-) Just remember not to get them too close.
  2. Schmidty


    I think the one thing that should be at the forefront of everyone's thought process here is how you're going to transport and save the Cannabis species...:mrgreen: Its all crazy shit, but I also agree with Natmoon, in that I think there are many probably futures for us individually and en mass...
  3. Schmidty

    how do these looks?

    Nice looking set-up, and you might be right that the damage was from the bad soil. Keep an eye on it though. From what I can tell it looks like you have four good nodes worth of growth. If you want to top now, you can. When are you planning on putting them into flowering? I typically top mine...
  4. Schmidty

    Hmmm WWMS

    Yes, if you have any questions just email them. These guys have amazing customer service, and are have been quick to respond any time I've had questions. Pop them an email and ask them how they would like you to proceed. Better to be sure, for your safety and theirs. :mrgreen:
  5. Schmidty

    how do these looks?

    Looking good so far. Maybe a little nute burn though? What's your set up look like? You probably wont be able to tell sex until you put them into a 12/12 light schedule for flowering, though you might get lucky with an autoflowering strain?? haha Good luck...
  6. Schmidty


    Cranberry juice is also pretty good for washing down the taste if you're going to eat them bare... I still much rather prefer capping them suckers and swallowing three or four caps with no taste! haha
  7. Schmidty

    Best places you have tripped

    Miami 2005, Ultra Music Festival... We ground up and capped about 12g of Rob the Fun Guy, and took it into the party with us. As soon as the sun went down we started popping two caps (roughly 1g per cap) every couple hours, on top of the E, which makes for a great night. We spent the night...
  8. Schmidty

    My first plant.... i need help starting....

    I hope you get lots of satisfaction from tossing rude comments at people. The fact that you cant bring anything to the table other than putting someone down says enough for 99% of the folks that read and participate in these forums. If we get to make blind assumptions about people that we...
  9. Schmidty

    First Grow Journal (Third Grow)

    Few more pics from today. As mentioned yesterday, all four plants have been topped. They're all growing so fast I've had to rip out my shelf and lower everything so they arent burned by the light... haha I guess that's a good thing? :-) I just need my other three plants to finish flowering soon...
  10. Schmidty

    *Unbeatable Vaporizor deal $60 for a good one

    That sucks! I went to a local head shop, and made the guy triple check everything before he sold it to me... I have heard that this is a common problem with the "cheaper" vapes. Sorry to hear that it happened.
  11. Schmidty

    Fresh buds and vaporisors

    It works and tastes great. The only problem I ran into was grinding... You're better off just using scissors or breaking it up by hand when your nuggets are still wet.
  12. Schmidty

    First Grow Journal (Third Grow)

    As of last night, all four plants were topped after the fourth or fifth node, depending on the plant. They're all still doing very well. After I topped the tall P #1 last week it really started to bush out, so I'm expecting the rest to do the same now that they're all generally the same...
  13. Schmidty


    The weight totally depends on the shroom's density. Think of your different varieties of bud... You could have a nugget that tight, thick and dense weighing 1/8th. You could have another fluffy, light nugget the same size that weighs 1g. A digital scale is your best guess when munching shrooms...
  14. Schmidty

    My first plant.... i need help starting....

    It doesnt make you lame... It makes you irresponsible, immature, and a number of other things. Really, how many of us did some stupid shit when we were kids that could have, or did get our parents into trouble that they didnt deserve? I was a pretty good kid in retrospect, even after some of...
  15. Schmidty

    My first plant.... i need help starting....

    Brock, My suggestion is that if you have roommates, then you tell them what you've got going on. Be mindful that in the event that you break the law, they're also liable for possession and cultivation. They may be able to slide out of the charges a bit easier than you, but you still put them at...
  16. Schmidty

    My first plant.... i need help starting....

    Check out the Grow FAQ. To answer your question on lighting; you will not want to use a standard incandescent light bulb from a grocery store. What you can use, that should be as easily accessible, are the compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs), which look similar to a cork screw. These use...
  17. Schmidty

    *Unbeatable Vaporizor deal $60 for a good one

    Yeah, dont worry if you miss the auctions... When one ends, two more pop up.
  18. Schmidty

    What would you pay for a plant in veg?

    Dumb question deleted... Yeah, I've looked through Craig's List here in Seattle, and havent come across anything. Though, I guess I've never really needed to find em. haha
  19. Schmidty

    B52 Strain?

    Check this out... You might also try searching the rest of this site and others for some info.
  20. Schmidty

    Who knows about sexing plants?

    Check this post by FDD... Its a pretty rockin tutorial that should answer all your questions. Seed Production