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  1. Schmidty

    First Grow Journal (Third Grow)

    Updated pics... I'm going to go ahead and drop them into 12/12, at least to sex them. We'll see... Hopefully I end up with at least three females! :mrgreen: The last pic of is one of my three flowering ladies... :twisted:
  2. Schmidty

    First Grow Journal (Third Grow)

    My veg chamber has a 75w HPS... Thinking of going the cheap route and adding a handful of CFLs.
  3. Schmidty

    All growers/ smokers welcome

    Mine arent nearly as far along as the one in that link... I'm getting close to putting them into flowering. They went into rockwool from seeds on 11/13 and have been vegging since. Avatar = Buddy Christ Jesus shaved his beard cause all the cool kids were doing it... Lost all his street cred IMO.
  4. Schmidty

    First Grow Journal (Third Grow)

    Working at the moment, so I'll be updating with pics before the end of the day. I've had to lower my shelf in the smaller veg area twice now because these four plants are growing at such a fast rate. At this point, I'm looking at two options... 1) Buy another HPS light for that chamber so I can...
  5. Schmidty

    All growers/ smokers welcome

    Im growing White Satin right now... Will have some updated pics in my journal before the day is done. Link to journal in sig...
  6. Schmidty

    Dark little leaves at 4 wks into harvest

    It could be a number of things... what's your full set up look like? Nutes, lights, temps, etc...
  7. Schmidty


    You can cure your buds in the ground, but you have to be very careful with how they are sealed. If moisture gets into you buds then you'll end up losing everything to mold or some other nastiness. I would stick with air tight jars in a cupboard...
  8. Schmidty

    Homestead Book company mushroom kit.

    I've heard that these work well for one flush, which will get you what?? 20g at most? And you figure street price (at least here in Seattle) is around $120.00 for an Oz. Just doesnt really seem worth it to me when you can purchase the spores for $15.00 and do a little extra leg work yourself...
  9. Schmidty

    Shroom spores

    Do you have a friend from out of state that you can have order them and deliver to you?
  10. Schmidty

    New Seeds!

    The beauty of herbs is that you can fill a flat full of seeds in the fall, keep it indoors while the seeds germinate and begin to grow, and then come spring time you can either keep it inside, or move it outside and plant in the ground. It doesnt require a whole lot of tending... :-) Same...
  11. Schmidty

    New Seeds!

    I just received an order from Mountain Rose Herbs. Bought myself a variety of herb seeds... Peppermint, catnip, chamomile, Lavender, etc. I've also been contemplating growing some other, more "altered consciousness" inducing herbs and plants. Dream herb, San Pedro cactus, Sinicuichi... A...
  12. Schmidty

    White Russian 8 weeks into flower Pics.

    Looking great! What's your set up?
  13. Schmidty

    check it out kids.

    First off Vince, you should never title a thread by calling grown men and women "kids". Right off the bat you're giving everyone the impression that you're more evolved than they are, which is obviously not the case. Second, what's the point of tossing a link out into a forum for a web site...
  14. Schmidty

    YAY A FEMALE!! take a look!! (pic)

    I would try to salvage the smaller plant... Regardless, they need to be separated and potted in their own pots as soon as you can! Otherwise their roots will end up tangled and fighting for nutes/water. You're probably going to see this to some extent already, so you can either completely expose...
  15. Schmidty

    Topping and pruning

    First off, what stage are you in your grow? Veg, flower, seedling? If you're still nursing seedlings then wait a while. Probably until you have four or five nodes (Yes, the ankle bone connects to the leg bone, and so on... you have the right idea on anatomy) I don't have any pics but you should...
  16. Schmidty

    letting tapwater sit out before use

    Just remember to check your PH after letting the water sit out. As the chlorine and other chems evaporate off the water, your PH may increase slightly. I've had mine jump from 7.0 - out the tap - to 8.0 - after 24 hours.
  17. Schmidty


    No, when did Canada acquire us?? :evil::twisted: That would be a day for the books!! hahaha
  18. Schmidty

    How Easy is it to Cross Strains?

    The problem, if you want to call it that, is that when you cross two strains (BB and Haze Mist for example) you end up with a mix-matched set of phenotypes within each seed. You may have a handful of seeds, but you wont know if you're getting a sativa or indica dominant plant... Or possibly one...
  19. Schmidty

    How To Get quick Connects?

    I found this site a while back, before I went to Hawaii... Its got tons of locations, and some pretty solid shit about where, when and how to go about getting hooked up. All I have to reference is the info on Seattle, and at the time it seemed to be pretty accurate. They definitely do some...
  20. Schmidty

    Plant + Cat = :(

    You're probably better off starting with a fresh plant... If she does survive, the time it will take her to recover from the shock of the injury will be long enough that you could have another very healthy plant... These things grow fast enough... :-) Sorry to hear that though... I'm so...