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  1. Schmidty

    Mind Bender For You High Thinkers

    Best answer. +1 :hump:
  2. Schmidty

    New Seeds!

    Just got my San Pedro and Peruvian Torch seeds last night!! :) I also received a bag of Blue Afghani Poppy seeds with my mycology order from SporeBank, though I dont recommend ordering from them. They tried to dick me around, and I ended up waiting for almost three weeks to receive my order...
  3. Schmidty

    Experiences With Shrooms

    Personally, I found that doing them on a regular basis provided a sort of memory trip at various periods throughout the sober parts of my days... Flashbacks is what I think theyre officially referred to as. They can be fun in the comfort of your own home, but it gets a bit scary when you're...
  4. Schmidty

    Side And Bottom Lighting

    I will honestly say at this point that I dont know. :-) Its nothing that I've ever seen used, or heard of anyone using. How hot does it get? I would say that after seeing one it still looks like your standard incandescent light bulb, and those generally get pretty hot.
  5. Schmidty

    Got the new bong

    I have a friend, well friend that I havent seen in a long time, that lives out on the beaches in Wa. He just sits around trippin on whatever he can find, blowing glass, and doodlin' all day. He made me my first glass pipe (which I hold very close whenever its in transit between the cabinet and...
  6. Schmidty

    Whats with all the HATERS on this site lately???

    This is just a matter of trusting that the folks running this site are ethical and respectful of the community. I dont know for sure about the whole cop thing though. They would really have to do some major investigative work to build a case from a web forum. And for what? A handful of people...
  7. Schmidty

    hey ho, this sucks fo sho

    Get yourself a Sprint, Quest, Verizon... wireless USB card. I have one for work, fairly inexpensive (for the company), and you can go just about anywhere. The connections arent amazing, but it works for almost anything I need. :) Otherwise you need to make friends with someone in the IT...
  8. Schmidty

    Got the new bong

    Was it a local purchase or an online purchase? I'm in love with my bong, but always on the market for new glass if its got pizzaz! :)
  9. Schmidty

    Need Advice On My Lighting Setup!!!

    For what you've put into them, I would say that you're doing a fine job! You can never have enough lighting for these babies, though typically with more light comes more heat. Florescent lighting works great, and if you're interested in stepping up a notch go with an MH/HPS light system. Do...
  10. Schmidty

    How would you harvest if you were in this situation?

    Have you seen the DIY bud dryer and Al B Fuct posted? Bud Dryer Or, I've used a moving box (dish pack, 3.0cu, 4.5cu, ect..) or something along that line with some holes poked in one side. Then I've put a small fan right up to the side of the box blowing in. Poke a hole near the top on two...
  11. Schmidty

    Side And Bottom Lighting

    Someone might correct me if I'm wrong here, but from what I know the standard LED desk lamp isnt going to do anything for your ladies. The LED grow lights that are being sold online these days have a different spectrum than what your standard desk lamp is emitting. Also, the same goes for the...
  12. Schmidty

    A Frozen Wave in Antarctica

    That would be very cool to check out in person... I'm sure the pics just dont do the experience justice...
  13. Schmidty

    What's up with this!

    They look fine, and should grow out of those minor mutations. :-)
  14. Schmidty


    If you want to cap it off, or take it out... either way works. You plants wont use the CO2 when light is not present, so if you can save CO2 by taking it out or closing the bottle then do it.
  15. Schmidty

    Bud Porn

    I'm less than a week from harvesting these beauties. (These pics are a little old) I'll post up more after they've been chopped.
  16. Schmidty

    Our "Elite" Abilities

    hahah sounds like you have someone(s) in mind that need to be taken down a few notches...
  17. Schmidty

    Elite Perk Free Clothing

    Haha My dad would get a fucking kick out of a T-shirt from RIU...
  18. Schmidty

    A funny thing happened to me(must read).

    Props to you for not putting yourself in a worse situation. At least you know where they stand now, and wont find yourself in that position later on down the road! haha Good luck with the future grows~
  19. Schmidty

    Welcome Fellow Elite Members

    Great idea guys... I'm happy to be able to help support the site!
  20. Schmidty

    My 2.5 week old plant smelling!

    ROFL! I'm literally amazed that it took someone that long to say anything!! hahaha Dont want to jump to any conclusions, but what are the current growing conditions here? Parents? Roommates? Neighbors? Knowing that you've already made a decision to be stealth, knowing the circumstances...