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  1. Schmidty

    Ounce of homegrown? $$

    I completely hear what you're saying. These are the reasons that I started producing myself... I couldnt stand the fact that everyone "wants a little money, some more than others". I hate the fact that everything in life revolves around money; physical/material wealth. The sad part is that...
  2. Schmidty

    Ahhhh...what to do!!!!

    Well then. Sounds like you have that under control. :-) You have advice on the lighting situation, so I think you're all set.
  3. Schmidty

    Ahhhh...what to do!!!!

    Shit... I would be more worried about the smell! As Quad said above... just keep some form of light on them, but dont change their light cycle. They should be fine though. They might shock out slightly, but it probably wont even be enough for you to notice. Just be careful with the delivery...
  4. Schmidty

    Ounce of homegrown? $$

    I'm up in Seattle... This is a hot topic for me as of the last two years. You have all these little punk ass dealers walking around with "The Shit", and just because someone tells them that their stuff is home grown, or BC Bud, or whatever they think that they can jack up the prices! Some guy...
  5. Schmidty

    plants are too big for grow room!!

    Here's the section of the FAQ that you want to dive into. Low Stress Training If you still have questions on best practices after reading up, bring them back here. Good luck!
  6. Schmidty

    switching from cfl to hps for the last 2 weeks of flower...

    Keep the CFLs as supplemental lighting for the lower parts of your plant, or just extra lighting on top. Then add the HPS. With only two weeks left, its not going to hurt anything, but I wouldnt expect to see any major changes.
  7. Schmidty

    Best Site to get Seeds?

    WWMS has never done me wrong. Their process takes a moment to understand, but once you run through it you get a feel about how much they care for you and your safety through the whole order. Great people IMO. :mrgreen:
  8. Schmidty

    Does anyone have any good Timelapse video of a MJ plant growing from a seedling

    You checked YouTube? I've thought about this a couple of times also. Would be a very cool thing to have someone do... Maybe I'll see if I can find that video camcorder that I bought and never fuckin' used... :-) Who knows, maybe it will have some sort of application that I can use to produce...
  9. Schmidty

    Rollitup In One Year

    RIU needs to get hooked into High Times as "The Premier Growing Forum on the Web"
  10. Schmidty

    Music To Listen To When Your High

    Haha! I saw Chemical Bro's live one year on shrooms... Good times... good times.
  11. Schmidty

    My Technics and Pioneers

    Been interested in DJing for years now... Love the music, and loved the old scene here in Seattle. I've been turnin and burnin on a friends two NuMark Axis-9's for the past year or so. My wonderful other half got me one for my birthday last week and I picked up a NuMark 3-channel mixer last...
  12. Schmidty

    Music To Listen To When Your High

    Word! :hump::hump:
  13. Schmidty

    how do i make shroom tea?

    If you're not hell-bent on making tea... We always used to go get ourselves some empty 00 caps, grind up our shrooms and weigh them out into the caps. Then we knew exactly what we were taking, and didnt have to taste it! :-)
  14. Schmidty

    Help I think Nitrogen Deficiency

    Haha That's great news. They all look great by the way!
  15. Schmidty

    Help I think Nitrogen Deficiency

    Just from what I can see there, it looks like you might have a Potassium def. Nitrogen typically will yellow the whole leaves.
  16. Schmidty

    So, how DO people get busted?

    Moral of the story. If anyone knows about your shit... you should quit now. :-) They may be your best friend, but how reliable will they be when you sleep with their girl? I'm not saying that specifically would happen but you know where I'm going with it. Dont steal electricity... Use carbon...
  17. Schmidty

    Should We Tolerate Religion?

    I'll be honest that I did not spend an hour reading through everyone's post. Flame away... I just want to say that in my honest opinion, I dont think that its religion itself that's bad or negative. I think its the fact that governments and bodies of power have abused the general system of...
  18. Schmidty

    What's up with this!

    Kil, How are things going with the little ones?
  19. Schmidty

    The Holographic Universe

    Great read! Very enjoyable, and I'll be reading back through everything tonight when I can sit back, blaze up and enjoy the thought process. :-)
  20. Schmidty

    Too many

    Fuckin' Ridonkulous.... We have new churches going in everywhere too, but there are already a bigillion of them. I honestly didnt know there were that many different types of religion, let alone that many people that still went to church. So what? If you dont believe exactly what Catholics...