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  1. Schmidty

    I'm furious - Last night...

    Intelligently put after you've just described how "he's gonna get got". Said as if you've had many years past high school yourself. Instead of causing anymore trouble, why not play this smarter then him. A good life lesson is that when you involve yourself in matters such as illegal drugs...
  2. Schmidty

    anyone ever grown tea?

    You talking just green tea? I've grown plenty of herb gardens and used the dried herbs for teas. Very simple, and fresh herbs from your own garden are always much more rewarding than buying something from a store. In fact, it makes me feel a bit of a cheater to put one of those little tea...
  3. Schmidty

    subaquatic co2 injection

    I dont follow you... You do not want CO2 pumped into the water, at all. If you can pump CO2 into the air for your plants, they'll absolutely love you. As for pumping O2 into the DWC system, I havent done it myself. The roots of the plant want O2, but I would venture a guess that you can overdo...
  4. Schmidty

    Thinkin Bout Cuttin Them Down.... Pics+Need Help

    You can always cut some of the smaller buds and dry those before the rest of the stuff is done. Harvesting is my favorite time. I love trimming. I would trim bud all day long and never work another day in my life if I could...
  5. Schmidty

    Drying the Main Cola

    Hang that puppy upside down, make sure you have good air flow. Its just going to take time... :-)
  6. Schmidty

    Harvest (Weight/Yield)

    Dually, you have great looking plants so far. Great spacing on nodes. What's your lighting set up? Have you given them any fertilizers yet? Canna is correct that your plants will double, if not triple in size between the start of 12/12 and harvest. They do look a little less than mature...
  7. Schmidty

    Getting Evicted Need HELP!

    Let them go as long as you can, while still being safe. If you're being evicted, then your LL might have grounds to be in your place while you're not there. When you no longer have time or dont feel its safe, you cut them. I hope you have a friend that will let you dry them at their house, cause...
  8. Schmidty

    subaquatic co2 injection

    Aquatic plants absorb CO2 from underwater. Your plants will not, and they will not enjoy it if you start pumping your water full of CO2 bubbles. Stick to O2, and add your CO2 to the air that your leaves are breathing. They'll love you much much more.
  9. Schmidty


    True story here! San Pedro and Peruvian Torch are great alternatives, and in some cases have a higher level of alkaloids than peyote. The appeal to peyote is the constant level of high that you'll get. You can do equally as good or better by growing your own lot of SP or PT cacti, taking...
  10. Schmidty

    new grower

    In my experience CO2 is best used during vegetative growth, and as mentioned above, when the lights are on. Plants use CO2 and kick out O2 though, so the full duration of your grow would benefit from the use of CO2.
  11. Schmidty

    Trimming or prunning

    The only way for YOU to be certain is to experiment yourself. Try it with one plant and not another, but keep close watch on each of them and if you can document with pics. I would be interested to see what you find.
  12. Schmidty

    Noob to Farming any Info will help thx !!

    I wish I could grow outside... If you're finding that the soil is packing down when it rains then you'll want to add more perlite, sand, or something else that's going to help with drainage. You wont want to lose much more than 1/4 of the existing rootbase when you repot. Try, instead of...
  13. Schmidty

    power outlet!!!

    Please dont wire it yourself, unless you're an electrician. The idea is to empower more people with the knowledge of growing! Not kill yourself over a power outlet! hahaha
  14. Schmidty

    Falling leaves lots of them

    Your soil looks pretty wet... I would say theyre being overwatered.... Hard to bring plants back once they've crossed a thin line, but lay off the water for a few more days... Make sure to dig your finger a good couple inches into the soil to check for moisture. If there's any moisture down...
  15. Schmidty

    Noob to Farming any Info will help thx !!

    You might want to think about who is going to see this puppy... Also, when it starts flowering, who's going to smell it. :-)
  16. Schmidty

    new grower

    You can make your own CO2 by putting equal parts of water and sugar, and one packet yeast into a container... Poke holes into the top of the lid before you put the top on and mix though. :-) Hang this up above your plants (CO2 is heavier than air and will fall when released from the container)...
  17. Schmidty

    Trimming or prunning

    I dont mean to be an ass here, but I have never seen anything documented in any fashion that would prove that adding molasses to your watering will increase bud size, let alone double it. I've toyed around with it in the past and never have I seen any results that would conclude one way or the...
  18. Schmidty

    Pots on Grass..

    Having your plants outdoors, regardless of where they are is going to greatly increase the chance of pests. Direct contact with the ground will give pests a direct route to your soil and root ball. Think about it. :-) Its way to early in the year to move them outside if they're already...
  19. Schmidty

    10 day old seedling collapsed?

    Sounds like it got too stretched... How far away is your light from the little ones? What type of lighting are you using? Put a small stake in and tie it off so it stays upright. It should grow out of the stringy phase granted you have adequate light, and the plants arent reaching out too far...
  20. Schmidty

    Vacation in London

    I'm off to the UK in a couple weeks. Not really sure what the plan is when we get over there, other than there's a whole list of things that we know we can do. We just really dont know what TO DO... Definitely going to hit The Ministry of Sound, and as many museums as we can... Other than that...