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  1. andrewcovetsall

    Switching from organic to Advanced Nutes

    well what do you use? i have used sensi 2 part for veg and flower in a dwc setup and i used sensizym for an additive. i havent used supplements before so i dont know what their effects are but i can tell you that my plants were not deficient of any minerals or mg etc... leaves were green flowers...
  2. andrewcovetsall

    Flowering PPM Sweet Spot?

    Any body know? I got some buns in the oven. Been there bout 30 days and getting crystally. Lately i've been pushing the ppm's higher and higher:leaf:, i finally saw the first signs of overnutes(leaf tip burnt) at 1200ppm. Ive had the ppm set at 1200 constantly now for 3 days. The leaves arent...
  3. andrewcovetsall

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    ya, what stink is talking about is having two rooms to start with. instead of keeping the same plant in your veg room for your mother plant you would take some of the smaller less developed site for clones. when you take those clones you put the "mothers" (the plants you just took clones from)...
  4. andrewcovetsall

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    LMAO at your fav post. I know im 3 years late but wow! LMAO my fav now too
  5. andrewcovetsall


    root bound? very much so. the bottom of the rockwool cubes are pretty much just a mat of roots. stunting? smaller growth? idk about that yet. untrained these would be about 5 feet tall. one cola is trained from all the way on the other side of the 4x4 screen and still sticks up the highest...
  6. andrewcovetsall

    The 12/12 From Seed Club, Show off Your Girls

    awesome. i plan to bring some life back to this thread. got 4 plants started in 12/12. 2 skunk and 2 nirvana variety. your plant looks great. how long from the time it germed? till harvest of course.
  7. andrewcovetsall

    can I take cuttings from flowering plants

    way to kill the thread....
  8. andrewcovetsall

    The 12/12 From Seed Club, Show off Your Girls

    can u show a pic with a lighter or soda can in it? have u harvested yet? when did you start your flush?
  9. andrewcovetsall

    The 12/12 From Seed Club, Show off Your Girls

    heres the start of my 12/12. 2 seeds are from nirvana's indoor mix, 2 are from seedsman's skunk mix. so i germ in papertowel. just threw it on a wet one in a ziploc bag. when it grew a taproot i placed it in the hole on the rock wool. the flouro light setup is in my flower room right now(journal...
  10. andrewcovetsall

    Switching from organic to Advanced Nutes

    thats not fair. ive compared other nutrients. Advanced makes bagseed look like $30 a seed genetics. but yes, they are overpriced and easy to use. hence the newbie comment
  11. andrewcovetsall

    Club 600

    yall are uptight. i got medical bro.... everything traceable on the package is scraped off...... check again before yall jump my ass. didnt mean to post in the 600 club. meant to be posted in the attitude thread. so... excuse me.....
  12. andrewcovetsall

    Club 600

    got skunk mix from seedsman and nirvanas indoor mix.
  13. andrewcovetsall

    Stay away from Attitude Seeds

    sprouted now... :) :)
  14. andrewcovetsall

    Switching from organic to Advanced Nutes

    ive been using an since i started and wouldnt recomend anything else. period. check my grow. i get the size and harvest yields that soil grows get in almost 1/4 of the time. these babies are only 2 and a half months old. i wet the sedds on nov 1. oh, pic 4 is from dec 27. so a little younger in...
  15. andrewcovetsall

    Green Crack 2x1000w 4x8 tray Rockwool grow

    can u believe that? i calibrated my meter after getting my first set of results too.
  16. andrewcovetsall

    Rockwool PH?

    rockwool is simple. take your cubes and soak them in Reverse osmosis water thats been ph'ed to 5.5. make sure to swirl em around and junk the point of it is to get as much water to run through the cubes as possible. after 30 minutes check the ph of the water. if its not 5.5 adjust and repeat...
  17. andrewcovetsall

    growing in rockwool

    hey check this grow. i got my plants in 4x4 rockwool cubes. when i switched to flower, after 4 weeks of veg, i stacked another 4x3 cube underneath. everything looks good to me. o, dont let anyone say water here, or water there. it all depends on the size of ur plant and its ability to draw up...
  18. andrewcovetsall

    Stay away from Attitude Seeds

    well i got em. 20 weekdays
  19. andrewcovetsall

    thoughts on flowering from seedling?

    how bout picking a strain. do one batch of that strain 1212 from seed. record the earliest sexual maturity. say it took 15 days. then when you do batch 2, use a light schedule like 24 0 for 15 days. switch to 1212. everyones happy. then you would be able to take advantage of the full amount of...
  20. andrewcovetsall

    Club 600

    nah riu is looking diferent. almost like the mobile version.... herees some!!!!!