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  1. G

    Outside Growing in the UK. When do they flower?

    I got a bit too many clones, lolz. Will have to plant outside. But they're non auto strains. Cheese and skunk. When will they flower in the UK?
  2. G

    Harry Potter Star Busted Growing Weed!!! Faces 14 years.WTF Wow. Maybe he hanged out here?
  3. G

    My technique to NOT overwater plants [pic]

    Been watering the crap out of my flowering ladies and only after a week of every day serious watering they got stressed a bit with leaves curling down. This works.
  4. G

    My technique to NOT overwater plants [pic]

    Well duh, and the soil-hydroton mix had good drainage and didn't get overwatered I can't tell how this will effect your yield, but based on plain theory: - you cannot overwater, thus you cannot stress the plant with that - your roots have more oxygen, thus grow faster - it becomes "sort of" an...
  5. G

    My technique to NOT overwater plants [pic]

    Not really. Surprisingly the roots grow very well around hydroton and when you transplant to larger buckets, only some of hydroton falls out. The roots hold tighly to it. Of course you'll have soil and hydroton around if you're doing it inside though. On topic - I did an experiment when one...
  6. G

    Growing Indoors Under The Sun (window)

    Anyone experienced with growing under the sun indoors? I recently found out that I can grow 10 months a year before the daylight goes under 10 hours per day. That means I can easily grow without lights. I also have huge windows on the side of the sun. Anyone?
  7. G

    Who smokes weed instead of popping painkillers?

    Blackouts killed your DWC grow? How long was it out? Was it a bubble system? Oh and on topic. So blue cheese should do the job. I also have skunks, but those bitchez flower too long.
  8. G

    Who smokes weed instead of popping painkillers?

    Anyone who's married knows what it's like when the wife pops painkillers during "certain" days I wonder if getting her high instead would make things go easier, lol
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    SPREAD THE SEEDS! Let It Grow!!!

    Hmmmmm how can it spread via air? The seeds fall into the ground, no?
  10. G

    SPREAD THE SEEDS! Let It Grow!!!

    Go for it! All you really need is a single hermie and patience.
  11. G

    Increasing bud size: Spray Nutes On Them?

    So far the opinions are very varied Anyone care to do a comparison?
  12. G

    My technique to NOT overwater plants [pic]

    Peace. I'm on my first grow and OVER and UNDER watering was a huge problem for me. First I was overwatering a lot with a pure soil mix, then I was underwatering a lot with a soil+hydroton mix And during flowering they started to drink crazy amounts of water. So I tried this layered method...
  13. G

    SPREAD THE SEEDS! Let It Grow!!!

    I want to "create" a weed uthopia The way I'll do that is take a dozen clones and a male plant I know a lake that has a lot of these islands What I'll do is pick one of the islands and just randomly plant the girls there and put the male somewhere. I imagine if they flower till the end...
  14. G

    Planting Clones in a public park guerilla style? no?

    Watering Daily? Lulz. I planted a hermie I had 2 weeks ago as an experiment. It's part of a forest that got chopped down and has these lil pine trees growing now. It's pretty dry and sandy. I found a spot that is a bit lower than the rest of that valley, planted. Went there couple days...
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    My technique to NOT overwater plants [pic]

    Yup, the pebbles that you would typically use in a hydro system.
  16. G

    My technique to NOT overwater plants [pic]

    It's simple actually. I make a nice soil mix from standard flower soil and peat moss. First I make a really tight layer of this soil at the bottom of the pot - so that it collects the drain water. Then I make a layer of hydroton and transplant the plant into the pot. Fill the surroundings...
  17. G

    White hairs = tichromes ?

    Thanks, this clears things up!
  18. G

    White hairs = tichromes ?

    What I don't understand is if the white hairs are the tichromes everyone keeps talking about. I know they store THC. But for example if I have small buds now in 3-4 week of flower, does it already have THC in it?
  19. G

    HELP!!!!! leaves getting copper brown/yellow spots on them,in an aerogrow

    Nute burn + ph imbalance Flush the res, ph it to ~6 and add 1/5 strength nutes, but make sure the ph is no lower than 5.5 after nutes Will help