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  1. O

    My Operation

    If you don't have a local hydro shop then online may be your best bet for a 600 or 1kw light and ballast. As far as the heat generated-it is significantly more than the 100w you have. It will be necessary to air-cool the fixture and exhaust your room air to maintain 74-78f temps. The dense...
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    caddy's Journal #1 - Papaya & Haze 19 x Skunk #1

    Nice Caddy, Thoughht I would check back in since it had been a week and you posted in my journal.......Things really are looking good man.....keep it up:blsmoke:
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    Old in the Way-First Grow Journal to thouroughly (and easily) clean your hydroton for re-use. Maybe them hippie chicks at the hydro store will quit thinking I am eating mine........:leaf:
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    Old in the Way-First Grow Journal

    Thank you guys! Its all about overgrowing them all......I learn the most helping others learn...... Coming soon to a thread near you.....Cloning 101, Bud Dryer construction version 2.0.1 (a.k.a.-my big ass dryer that I have put off making till today) :blsmoke:
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    Petition For An Aerogarden Sub-Forum

    Oh, its all good my man....was chiming in to get Al's attention and was confirming I didn't get my op caught in the crossfire..... I have my opinion on just about everything but usually keep it to myself....for instance....your plants looked good....see I would leave it at that. All good...
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    Interesting dwc bagseed grow: Juicy pink 2nd week flowering

    Do you have one of those little 420 scopes or a little table top microscope to check the trichs with--60x magnification. I harvest when my trichs are cloudy to milky because I like the heavy couch lock indica high.....that is what my research indicated waas the right time for me based on the...
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    Petition For An Aerogarden Sub-Forum

    I guess his mom got home....had to stash the aerogarden and the laptop huh??
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    Old in the Way-First Grow Journal

    Couldn't say, I don't normally peek in on them.....
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    Petition For An Aerogarden Sub-Forum

    Please tell me your not referring to my grow.....unless you want me to start excerping quotes from your posts in that Aerogarbage-first grow thread of yours. That set-up you are getting mad props about....was it the spider mites or the 4-500 you spent to grow those two plants they were the...
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    Petition For An Aerogarden Sub-Forum

    LOL....I know you aren't referring to my grow as the three security lights op right....You didn't look to closely at my threads if this doesn't qualify as a grow room
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    Petition For An Aerogarden Sub-Forum

    As I figured, couldn't resist interjecting on the Aerogarbage--I find myself unable to resist at times as well.... Glad to here things are going well with your new ventures....I am sure you are an invaluable addition to any site..... I have too much spare time so I have felt the need to...
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    Petition For An Aerogarden Sub-Forum

    Hey Al, If your back, I now have my grow in a link below....really could use your help on a couple things that nobody seems to have experience with..... Thanks for all you help in Sep/Oct....check out the AlB-Tribute action in those threads.... Thanks again mate:mrgreen:
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    My Operation

    I don't see any pics....and I will have some input for you.....but pics would be helpful. The one major thing I see is the wattage you have covering a 6x5 area. So you know--lumens don't add. (i.e. If you have a 100w ight and add another 100w light right next to it the lux meter still only...
  14. O

    3x2 closet

    4 per square foot if using clones and moving straight to flower.... Should look something like this......... Even in soil...small pots and clones to flower is the way to go These are 20 days in and will grow this closely the rest of their days. At this point they will only grow up...
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    Paranoid, which set-up is safest

    Thanks man...I had checked out you thread and the vert build a while back....props there too....I like the system......I had been checking out some vert ideas too.... I have a rental property and the tenants are moving out....was considering keeping it...ummm...vacant...ya, ya, vacant (except...
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    Paranoid, which set-up is safest

    You know its not unusual for ppl to have extra BRs.....Many have an office/cpu room/tv room/guest room or a combination of these....If you are in the US as I am then you know most people have enough crap for two extra bedrooms. Kind of like the electric co. If you pay rent on time--the complex...
  17. O

    Paranoid, which set-up is safest a rental huh.... i like this point that Cr8z13 made...... if this guy is paranoid about a 2 bedroom apt and an extra 70 bucks a month attracting attention I think your grow would put give him a heart attack...... Looks good BTW, Check out the link to my 4kw in my sig...
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    Paranoid, which set-up is safest

    This guy is offering some good input......i second much of what he could go Clone to Flower and use the 400W in a 2x2 or 2x3 closet....or 2 each with a 400W HPS and flower on a 4 week schedule....put clones in flower wait 4 weeks....put clones in flower in the other...
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    What the f is up with Gay Aerogardens,

    hehehe.... I believe he is reffering to the garbage-system ppl purchase at Bed Bath and Beyond--(Beyond doesn't extend to the grow room) There several hundred dollars...... The only person I know successfully employing the aerogarden is a Radiologist friend of mine who is a helluva good...
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    yellowish leaves? PICTURES

    At the moment they will be fine, if IMHO, you make a few minor adjustments.... 1. The HO T5-is making a little too much heat for them....see the bronzing at the very tip of the plants in the second pic and the curl is probably just heat stress/light saturation...... Is thatt a 4'-8 Bulb HO...