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  1. metagrower

    Indoor CFL grow journal of someone who doesn't know what they're doing.

    I'd bet you're over-watering. Seedlings are fragile little creatures and the earth doesn't tend to dump a lot of water on their heads. In nature they sprout up after an early spring rain and start looking for water. So the roots have to kind of seek out more water, and that is when the plant...
  2. metagrower

    CO2 Off Car

    Why are you telling me to read my own source article? Don't you think I read a source thoroughly before citing it? Or did you not expect that of me because you don't expect the same of yourself? You tell me to re-read my source, but you don't ever tell me what information you're using from...
  3. metagrower

    CO2 Off Car

    Also, while you're answering that question, please point out where in the article I cited that it says that the CO produced by a car is not enough to kill you.
  4. metagrower

    CO2 Off Car

    is that right? Perhaps you would like to read up on CO? Carbon Monoxide Emissions It would appear that cars still produce CO. Who would have thought that a cat can't eliminate 100% of the CO produced, only reduce it. Just to be clear here and to bring this back on point, are you trying to say...
  5. metagrower

    Indoor CFL grow journal of someone who doesn't know what they're doing.

    Ok, first off, where are those pics? ;) Also, are you re-using your soil? That is bad juju. Always use fresh sterile soil. That way you know how much nutes are in the soil. If your plans won't stand then you are probably over-watering or over nuting. I can't really say for certain without...
  6. metagrower

    Indoor CFL grow journal of someone who doesn't know what they're doing.

    I'm glad to see you found the superthrive! but, are you patting the soil?! The soil doesn't look loose and airy, it looks compacted! That suffocates the roots, and will kill your girls so fast... eep. Also, it looks like you may be over-watering, so I'm curious about your watering schedule.
  7. metagrower

    Why wont my plants stand up? (pix)

    You should test your soil. It's not that hard. You can but a test kit from Home Depot for like 6 bucks. Soil I'm not entirely familiar with, but from what I understand optimal pH for soil is 6.5. But the fact that the water you are using is 6.5 is not insurance that your soil pH is that...
  8. metagrower

    Why wont my plants stand up? (pix)

    absolutely. wrong pH can lock out nutes fast.
  9. metagrower

    curling under

    why does it seem like we're all just shooting blanks in the dark? Can someone that has more experience and can say definitively chime in here?
  10. metagrower

    CO2 Off Car

    strange. I haven't tried suicide recently, but I thought it was the carbon monoxide that killed you, not so much the carbon dioxide.
  11. metagrower

    Growin' Upside Down...Hanging Tomato

    That looks interesting... I might consider doing something like that... but it won't be till next grow -- still 2 mos away.
  12. metagrower

    curling under

    heat stress would be my first thought, but that looks severe. check this: Marijuana Plants Problems - Yellow Leaves, brown spots, nutrient shortage etc.
  13. metagrower

    Why wont my plants stand up? (pix)

    Perhaps you are watering too little when you do, then? How strong is your fan? Perhaps keep it on them, but place it further away so that the there is only a light breeze on them? Then you could use plastic twist ties to tie them to a toothpick or BBQ skewer? What pH is your soil? Also...
  14. metagrower

    email468 new equipment grow (PPP)

    I'd be very very interested in seeing what you come up with. I might be throwing my experiment off a little, as I wound up growing entirely without a medium, using only the cocotek lids on net baskets to hold the seedlings in place--literally suspending them in the air. I only have the two...
  15. metagrower

    email468 new equipment grow (PPP)

    chiming in late in the game here, but I think I might tend to agree about the cocotek liners. I am doing an experiment with mine. I have one plant with liner and one without. The plant without the liner is growing furiously, while the one with the liner looks almost two weeks behind the...
  16. metagrower

    PH All Over The Place Yellowing

    distilled and spring water are so inexpensive if you buy the generic supermarket brand. I find that safeway sells water for $1(USD)/gal; and then there are the Glacier machines at many supermarkets where you can fill your own jugs with this rediculously pure (triple distilled/carbon...
  17. metagrower

    Is this a stupid idea?>

    I can verify this, having taken them apart and repaired them with some epoxy... which, btw, works very very well. I think my pump worked better after I repaired it than it did when I first bought it.
  18. metagrower

    Advantage/Disadvantages running lights on 24hr a day for Veg.

    Annotated Mythbusters: Episode 69: 22,000 foot fall, Lights On or Off and here's the article. :)
  19. metagrower

    Advantage/Disadvantages running lights on 24hr a day for Veg.

    That information is quite pertinent. Also, could you please provide a site where one might find the specs for power consumption 'on ignition' for various wattage MH and HPS lights so that we might be able to compare for ourselves? I am not quite certain what terminology is appropriate to get...
  20. metagrower

    Advantage/Disadvantages running lights on 24hr a day for Veg.

    Furthermore, I can understand how one might believe that your bulb only gets a limited number of starts, but don't you think that might also be proportionally relative to the number of hours the bulb is rated to burn? How would the wear caused solely by extinguishing and igniting the bulb once...