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  1. H

    How much space for growing 15pd?

    I would personally suggest just doing a small grow a couple plants under an HPS, do that until you understand the plant and your setup and everything well enough to answer all of your above questions on your own. Not trying to bring you down, it just seems like theres alot of this around here...
  2. H

    My highest reccomendation for this inexpensive unit,ZERO SMELL & cheap.

    Honestly for $69 I would rather just buy it than try and fiddle with one myself. Just wondering if you think that smaller unit would work sufficiently for a smaller grow?
  3. H

    My highest reccomendation for this inexpensive unit,ZERO SMELL & cheap.

    Not sure if its been posted in this thread yet, they got these smaller $69 ozone generators on ebay...
  4. H

    Help with 55w PL-L heat issues.

    These are the long 22" twin T4 tube plug-in CFLs. Ordered a couple ballasts/sockets/bulbs and designing the cab right now. I'm just wondering from someone who has actually grown with these how hot they get when they run? I have heard varrying reports from them being cool enough to let...
  5. H

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    Thanks for the help, I'm still a bit confused though, mainly about the part where you say it will work in any socket a incandescent will work in. But it has the 4 pin connector rather than the twist-on like normal bulbs. I'm mainly looking for information on what other materials I will need...
  6. H

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    Wish I would have came across this earlier I am going to just copy my post if you could help me out with it.
  7. H

    Help with 4 pin CFL setup

    As I said in my previous post I want to use flat CFLs due to height issues, and I can't get T5HOs because they cost like $200 to ship to Hawaii.
  8. H

    Hawaii Growers

    Thanks I'll go stop in and see if they have some, I was also thinking.... What about aquarium lighting? Anyone know if any of the local petstores carry some High Output T5s?
  9. H

    Help with 4 pin CFL setup

    I wanted to use some sort of flat fluorescents such as T5s, but after looking into it, it costs like $200 to ship anything that size to me even for the bulbs. So I'm looking into solutions from the hardware store instead. I'm looking into making a fixture similar to the T5HO 1s you can buy...
  10. H

    Hawaii Growers

    Thats all well in good and I would agree with it in most cases, and I would definitely buy one there before getting one shipped (I don't think they stock T5s though do they? didn't see anything last time I was there) but unless you have plenty of money to throw around which I don't which is why...
  11. H

    Fluorescents from the hardware store

    I wanted to look into buying a T5 setup but I live in Hawaii and after looking at the outrageous shipping rates to order any fixtures over even the bulbs to put in them out here I guess I'll be turning to the hardware store route. Its not that I have a strict budget, I just really can't accept...
  12. H

    jumbo stealth grow cabinet

    *Looks at the other posts...* 4 posts from yourself 1 from some guy disagreeing with you and another from me disasgreeing with you... This makes the highlighted portion seem very funny to me, maybe I'm just high lol. Honestly though what were all trying to tell you is that your looking to...
  13. H

    Hawaii Growers

    Hey guys, I been looking into buying some T5s for my indoor veg but realised the shipping here for any of those fixtures even the bulbs is rediculous... Do any of you know of anywhere in the islands I could get High output fixtures and bulbs in the 6500k 3000k range? I know the ones you get at...
  14. H

    T5 light comparison

    :/ Damn so I checked it out and I happen to live in Hawaii, and shipping here is going to be as much or more than the unit itself...I figure I'm better off going with something I can get at Lowes/Home Depot/Walmart etc. Do any of you know if they have any T5 fixtures that would work just as...
  15. H

    T5 light comparison

    Ya, I assume your right. It would make sense too, reguardless your using the same bulbs in any fixture. I'm guessing the price difference just has to do with the fixtures reflectiveness/ventilation/quality of materials. I'm now trying to decide between the $200 8 bulb fixture or $160 6 bulb...
  16. H

    T5 light comparison

    They have a 6 lamp for $160 at, besides that the prices I found seem to be the best, just trying to figure out which I should get... Am I fine going with the cheaper models around the $200 pricemark, or is it worth spending the extra money for the more expensive models around $300...
  17. H

    T5 light comparison

    Looking into buying a 4' T5 setup. I've kinda looked around online and the cheapest I could find was over at They have 3 different models of 4' setups, The New Wave, Sun Blaze, and Hydrofarm. The New Wave model costs...
  18. H

    Help with T5 setup

  19. H

    Help with T5 setup

    I'm looking into all avenues for my new grow cabinet, just wondering if an all T5 setup for Vegging and Flowering would be viable, I'm planning on scrogging so penetration should be less of an issue. Just wondering if they work well for flowering, if anyone has a link to some good grows with...