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  1. FeFiFoFUM

    35 gallon rubbermaid DWC setup issues

    I used duct insulation on my 5 gallon buckets to light proof them and insulate them, works pretty damn good. also try running beneficial bacteria, that would clear up any root rot, brown slime, or other root disseases you may encounter, it will also allow you to run warmer res temps, in case...
  2. FeFiFoFUM

    6 bucket DWC will flower under two 400w HPS

    Just adding some bud pics (porn) taken about 20 min ago first we have some shots of the blackberry and now one of my blue cheese
  3. FeFiFoFUM

    2 headed seedling old school lemon skunk

    He didnt say overfeed, he said overwater. you need to have about a 3in gap between the nutes and the bottom of the net pot. even if the roots dont touch the water, in fact IMO when they are young its best they dont touch the water, that encourages root growth (they seek out water) once your...
  4. FeFiFoFUM

    6 bucket DWC will flower under two 400w HPS

    Hello everyone and thanks for stopping by and taking a look! So I am 36 days into flowering for my Blackberry and my two blue cheese 30 days into flowering for my NYPD#1 and 20 days into flower for my NYPD#3 My mothers are doing great I have been LSTing them in hempy buckets. I have four...
  5. FeFiFoFUM

    Good Old Fashioned GROW OFF - Who's In? DWC Buckets x 2 || Biggest Yield = DWC KING

    hey everybody just my weekly update my girls are going just fine as I have taken them out of the 4 per bucket setup and given each its own 5 gallon bucket enjoy the pics i just topped them for 4 main colas
  6. FeFiFoFUM

    My first DWC setup. Stealth closet style. Pics! Nirvana Blackberry/others

    I vegged with an 8 tube t5 fixture mixed spectrum 4blue and 4red First three weeks of flower they were under (2) 400w HPS DIY cool tubes, and I added in 175w MH for supplemental lighting last week
  7. FeFiFoFUM

    Good Old Fashioned GROW OFF - Who's In? DWC Buckets x 2 || Biggest Yield = DWC KING

    Alrighty people! Its been five or so days and my clones are doing good, Im growing alot more than what Im entering and I havent picked which two of the four blue cheese Im growing to enter, matter of fact Id like to know if I could possibly change the strain altogether if I wanted ? Ive got...
  8. FeFiFoFUM

    My first DWC setup. Stealth closet style. Pics! Nirvana Blackberry/others

    I grow Nirvana Blackberry feminzed as well Here are a few pics of her 29 days into flower. Ima keep an eye on yours see how yours does
  9. FeFiFoFUM

    HUGE philosophical problem with my grow

    I wouldnt hit the boy cause hes liable to tell his mommy that, and shed sure call the dicks on you then. lol I once had a friend that I have known since I was 15 years old. Hes six two 260lbs and at the age of 26 I saw another man smaller than him punch him in the eye. Now I thought this...
  10. FeFiFoFUM

    6 bucket DWC will flower under two 400w HPS

    update on the girls.... everything is comming along fine. three are at 29 days of flower then one is one week behind those three, and another is a week later still more pics of the others bbut first here are some of the blackberr
  11. FeFiFoFUM

    HUGE philosophical problem with my grow

    I'm sorry, this is the dumbest idea I have ever heard in my entire life on planet Earth. You do something like this guy is saying when youre just having philisophical discussions about med mj with others, NOT when youve been given an altumatum by someone and your decision could possibly land you...
  12. FeFiFoFUM

    HUGE philosophical problem with my grow

    My two cents. Your friend is a jackass and jackasses dont make good friends, nonchalant or not It shows either a HUGE lack of common sense or disregard for him to tell ANYONE let alone his mother about your grow. I have had a few friends like this and Ill tell you, when it all comes down to...
  13. FeFiFoFUM

    6 bucket DWC will flower under two 400w HPS

    this entry is just for me to keep track of things My next batch ha went into veg from clone on Nov 17th
  14. FeFiFoFUM

    Is a 32 Gallon (121 Liter) Rubbermaid container too big?

    Id prolly put three or four plants in there, thats just me tho cant let em get to big tho cause those CFLs wont penetrate the canopy much, so maybe 6 can go. Are you top them or just go for one main cola per plant?
  15. FeFiFoFUM

    6 bucket DWC will flower under two 400w HPS

    Does it matter that mine have already started flowering? as Ive seen some that tell me to start prior buds forming. or can I just start adding it? another question is, I have this stuff called awesome blossoms from technaflora, thats a bloom booster, i know its not kool bloom but have you heard...
  16. FeFiFoFUM

    6 bucket DWC will flower under two 400w HPS

    just a friendly bump. thanks
  17. FeFiFoFUM

    Good Old Fashioned GROW OFF - Who's In? DWC Buckets x 2 || Biggest Yield = DWC KING

    Alright, here I go with my babies! They caught root about a week ago, but I waited until today to put them in buckets. so I suppose this is DAY 1 of veg for me on these.
  18. FeFiFoFUM

    DWC resevoir size question. What happens if its too small?

    I would figure that if the ressy wasnt big enough the roots would outgrow it, and once that happens it could become rootbound, Im not even 50 percent sure if thats correct, but I think it is... never tried it before, I do however know that plants can become root bound in soil or soiless mediums...