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  1. H

    Gravity new directions Help

    The formula is still the same, they are changing the labels due to lots of people ruining there crops with there products. I would definitely recommend raising your lights no matter what if you are going to use it. I would go with 1tsp/g twice during week 5 and you should be fine. If you are...
  2. H

    MJ buyers out there.

    I can tell you that some clubs will buy certain purple strains that are not strong for top dollar out here in Cali, especially if they look really good and have nice color. Lots of folks have different preferences from what they want from there weed, and lots find some of the higher thc strains...
  3. H

    Noob Question/Need Help

    grams per meter squared
  4. H

    I dont work

    I have read of indoor vegetable farmers growing tomatoes testing a 6hr light cycle to save energy on cooling in shorter time cycles. They still get 12hrs of light in a day. I have not tried this as I am slightly afraid of the waste of time and money. Would be interested to see thou if it...
  5. H

    Tomato Cages???

    In a small room with only a couple of plants it is not needed. They do come in very handy thou with strains that like to stretch and large plants. Larger rooms you can either use cages, netting, staking, or all of the above. Taking as much stress off the plant and allowing the plant to focus...
  6. H

    Can feminized seeds become male plants??

    Feminized seeds can be males.
  7. H

    can i start now

    I would wait a couple more weeks.
  8. H

    Burnt bud!

    Cut it, leaving it on there can lead to grey mold issues since the bud will keep growing around the dead part. If the bud is large enough you can just cut out the burnt part and use a q=tip with rubbing alcohol(or hydrogen peroxide) on it to touch up the open vein.
  9. H

    What's your technique for bigger more potent bud?

    Pruning and lots of support for your branches(tomato cages, netting, stakes). Take as much stress of the weight off the branches as possible.
  10. H

    Show Me What You Got LST?

    Looks good, but you need to prune all that bottom stuff off. Pruning is one of the most important steps in getting good harvests and helping fight off disease and keep airflow going.
  11. H

    When Mixing A Nutrient Solution Together, What Do You Mix In First?

    I know for Cutting Edge you should always add your micro first, mix it and than add whatever else you are using. I usually add in my bloom next and than my CalMag. I also use Sea Green last and let it sit for at least an hour before I water to dissolve some of the salts..
  12. H

    Wtf!!!!!!!!!!!!! Budding on the fan leaf?

    It happens from heavy feeding from what I can tell. Had it happen to some green crack last year and it freaked me out a lil at first as well. I have also had buds form on the stalk where I have pruned before, and it is not that I missed something. Don't sweat it, but from my experience they...
  13. H

    Adding Rooting Gel to seedlings?

    I would not do that, they are cloning gels not rooting gels. There are plenty of products on the market you can add in tiny amounts that stimulate root growth. Most are rather expensive but can cut off several days of overall time getting your plant ready.
  14. H

    Yes I still live in Humboldt, northern.

    Yes I still live in Humboldt, northern.
  15. H

    Want to Grow legally in CA. need a warehouse.

    All of the prices listed here are way above what have been going around in Northern Cal, plus I really doubt you have any clue of the Ca market if you think the drought comes in November. Your Dr is also just a recommendation and does not give you any rights for certain amounts. Each county...
  16. H

    When to feed after a flush?

    It also matters what your are using for your medium. If it is soil and your soil is alive but had a salt build up you should definitely wait till it dries. If you are using a soiless mix than I would feed right away since the plants have nothing without feeding them. . I definitely recommend...
  17. H

    Your Personal Favorite Nutes

    Humboldt Nutrients is one of the most expensive lines that you can run. I did a bunch of the product testing for them and for any type of hydro setup it is just way too thick. For a soil based nutrient line i would go with BioBizz, they have so much molasses in the entire line and plants...
  18. H

    Spider mites

    Man up and get in there and spray your plants, there are plenty of organic sprays on the market that are safe up until the last week. Adding more insects in to your indoor grow room does not sound like something appealing to me. Plus dead bugs on my buds is a turn off.
  19. H

    When to harvest Sour Diesel? Pics included

    How many days have they been on the 12/12 cycle. The pics are not that great so it is hard to tell from them, more pics like the third one you posted with brighter light allowing us to see could help. Sour Diesel usually takes a minimum of 70 days. Could be a lot longer due to stress and poor...