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  1. C

    N-P-K value of pearlite?

    Very bold statement, ESPECIALLY in the organics section! :clap: I'm going to have to disagree though. MG is toxic sludge and should be avoided. Fox Farm has toxins in it, but it will surely "out perform" MG any day. And FF isn't even organic!
  2. C

    Ionic nutes

    No, you said that you made a "super soil", so what exactly did you put into your 'super soil'? Worm castings? Guano? ect.
  3. C

    Hehe, other worldly organic soil, meotorite minerals!

    Wow.... racism anyone?
  4. C

    changing from hydro to organic soil... first time! help appreciated!

    Those don't look 1 week away from being done, bro! They need ATLEAST another 2 weeks, I'd say just by looking at the pics. The majority of the hairs are still white. A good "rule of thumb" is 70% brown hairs, and you are good for harvest, but this is just a very primitive reading. When they are...
  5. C

    organic fert's from the Ozark Mtns

    I always noticed the 1-8-7 as well. Never thought it would some form of advertising, just thought it was funny. haha
  6. C

    purple purple purple ... where's the grape strains?

    haha, yeah who would of thought rotting fruit would be an enjoyable flavor? Smelled dank as fuck though. Gotta love it!
  7. C

    Elite Gentics...

    Yeah, the Lemon Larry is potent stuff. Bicycle racer, would you say that it is his "best" strain if you had to choose one?
  8. C

    Making Tea - is EZ.... & Cheap !

    That's a pretty long video. Didn't watch the whole thing but from what I saw it seems pretty sound. The basic things that go into constructing a "compost tea" are in there. Pretty good video from what I watched.
  9. C

    Another 1st timer- treasure coast PF tek grow.

    Looking forward to this grow. This summer I'm going to do my first shroom grow too. Keep it up, man!
  10. C

    Ionic nutes

    Some more info would help. What did you put in the super soil? If it has enough in it, then you shouldn't need the Ionic. A good soil to use straight out of the bag is Fox Farm Ocean Forest. Just add a little more perlite and you'll be set.
  11. C

    has anyone ever used this soil before?? please help

    Yeah, that seems like good soil to grow in. I'm not sure if it's 100% organic by looking at that picture and reading what you said it has in it, but it sounds like it is pretty close at least. What was the last soil you used and what didn't work about it? The soil looks solid, but you will need...
  12. C

    Bat Guano experts

    Yeah, there is a difference between not cutting it out completely, and feeding it massive amounts of it. Cut down on the N ALOT. Cut it down until about a 3-4% ratio. You should be good then.
  13. C

    Question about Fem Seeds

    +rep Hobbes! Great article. I love reading that kind of shit. bongsmilie
  14. C

    First Time Shroom Grower PF-Tek

    Ah yes, I know about penis envy. Discovered by the late, great Terence McKenna. I hear the visuals on those are intense, stronger than acid. I'd like to try some of those out! I've done shrooms a bunch of times, just never grown them, and I have no idea what the strains were I've done. What...
  15. C

    Question about Fem Seeds

    One hermi plant can and will ruin your entire crop if let to go unchecked. For right now, make sure that those are male flowers come in, and if they are just snip them off before they open. You will loose some growth at that bud site, but it should be okay. Also, the hermi plant will only make...
  16. C

    Bat Guano experts

    Oh shit! I didn't even notice that his nutrients were 15 ratio of nitrogen! yeah dude, that's probably whats doing it. Thats more nitrogen than I even use during my entire grow! haha.
  17. C

    Chemo by Federation?

    For some awesome pain killer weed get some Heri OG Kush from Elite Genetics. If they are tall & leggy it seems like you stumbled upon a sativa pheno! Hopefully the high isn't different either. Here is the site of elites:
  18. C

    How many risks have you taken buying seeds?

    Not sure of my total, but I always take a decent amount of caution when ordering seeds. Here are some general adivce that I have from years & years of ordering seeds without *knock on wood* any problems. Always pay with a Money Order. Always send to a friends/family members house where the grow...
  19. C

    Question about Fem Seeds

    No that isn't true. Because ALL female plants CAN get seeded, by either self-pollination (hermie) or male pollination. Just because weed that you bought has seeds doesn't mean that they are feminized seeds. The plant either hermed, which wouldn't give you fem seeds unless the plant that the bud...