Search results

  1. C

    Perfect Nutrient Combinations!?

    BMO products are quick and simple and great for first time growers with no organic experiance. I recommend them highly, and last grow I used all of their line, along with Alaska MorBloom during flower & molasses, and the results were great. Nice and smooth, just the way cannabis should burn!
  2. C

    N-P-K value of pearlite?

    If thats the case I'd check to make sure it's all organic. Miracle grow doesn't have a good record of that. Although I see that they do now have an organic soil out.
  3. C

    Perfect Nutrient Combinations!?

    First things first... STOP BUYING UNNEEDED STUFF! My buddy once said when I told him about some dude I know buying all this smoke gear; "I love newbie tokers; They ALWAYS buy stupid shit." haha, the same is true with any other 'hobby'. When I first started growing weed 10 years ago I would buy...
  4. C

    organic hydro.

    I'd recommend the pureblend pro for hydro-organic. I've never personally used it, but some of my comrades have with good results.
  5. C

    N-P-K value of pearlite?

    Yeah dude, I wouldn't worry about that little ratio of nutrients in your perlite. It will just be a nice additive for your soil.
  6. C

    purple purple purple ... where's the grape strains?

    Yes it did. It was pineapple pheno though, so it had a slight pineapple smell around 40 days into flower. At day 60 it REEKED like rotting fruit. Now that its harvested, it smells like blueberry.
  7. C

    rarest strain but availbale on bean sites

    Go to it has all of WallyDucks C99 crosses. They actually JUST sold out of C99 backcross, and who knows when it'll be in stock again. But it has the C99 x Panama Red that you're talking about. Never tried that one, but I just...
  8. C

    Fox Farm Nutes

    When I said that I ment their liquid line and tripack. You can go to their website and look at it. It only lists Big Bloom as Natural and Organic (even on the packagening it claims "100% Organic"). None of the others do. Plus the ingredents in them (which are on the bottle) are completely...
  9. C

    growing weed in prison new help

    hahaha! Break the walls down, kid. Don't let those fascist pricks tell you where to grow weed! But, on the other hand.... If you get caught you're fucked. I always believe in confronting the State head on, but this is just outrageous! Good luck!
  10. C

    Happy Frog Soil, Monkey Juice, What Else...?

    I've never used Fox Farm Happy Frog soil before, only Fox Farm Ocean Forest, with great results. Get a good all-in-one organic nute for your first grow. Some good lines are BMO, Age Old Organics, Roots Organic, ect. Go with one of those, and you will be good for sure. And the great part about...
  11. C

    Fox Farm Nutes

    Just a heads up, Fox Farm is not all organic! I'm sure most of you know this, but just letting you know, because this is the organics section of the forum. Big Bloom is the only organic one. With numbers like 0-50-50, its scarily unorganic! Those ratios are ridiculous to feed to your plants. If...
  12. C

    Order not reccieved from Gypsy Nirvana

    Why would you say to steer clear of Gyspy Nirvana seed bank? I've used them about 50 times in the past 5 years and have NEVER had ANY problems with them. Just curious as to why you say that.
  13. C

    rarest strain but availbale on bean sites

    You can get them on Gyspy Nirvana Seed Boutique under the breeder WallyDuck. He has a lot of C99 crosses, and he actually has a C99 backcross on there now. No, they do not come fem, and I dont think you're going to find them fem anywhere. You may though.
  14. C

    Organic Nutrient Fixes and Unique Ideas

    Don't use sulfured molasses with your grows. Only use UNsulfured. Just like thenatural said, it makes it more complex and rich, and plus has more trace elements like calcium and magnessium to feed those precious microbeasties in your soil. If they are happy than your plant is happy! The roots...
  15. C


    If using hydro, just don't mix organic nutes with chem nutes (it defeats the purpose and the chem nutes will kill the living microbeasties). I'd recommend BMO's full line. If you are using DWC method, this is probably the best bet for you, plus you don't have to mix and bubble shit...
  16. C

    Jock Horror outdoor organic

    Nice. I just know from experiance that when grown outdoors, it usually lacks the quality of indoor bud (trichs). Thats why I asked. Yeah, use some molasses in there too. It will feed the microbeasties in the soil and give sugar to the plants in the form of carbs. Been using the stuff forever...
  17. C

    Gonna start a TGA grow log on RIU

    Very nice (to both of you). I've never topped before, but on my next grow I know I'm going to have to (I'm only dealing with 5'3" ceiling height, and that doesn't include the space for the light, filter, intake). So I'm kind of nervous about hurting the girls, but I'm sure it's pretty easy. Just...
  18. C

    BMO nutes

    OhSo isn't the ONLY person that has knowledge about organics on this forum... like everyone else said, ask and thee shall receive! :joint:
  19. C

    Greenhouse seeds

    I've only ever had problems with Soma Seeds not cracking (and I know other people have too). I got Amnesia Haze and RockBud and outta 20 seeds only TWO popped. This was about a year ago, but on the International Cannagraphic Forum, there are people on there that have problems with Soma's gear as...
  20. C

    Canopy Managment 101

    I'll do a search for it and check it out. Thanks!