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  1. Tonado

    100X times MORE THC

    rumor also has it that if you *spooge* on your plant it will guarantee that it's female...
  2. Tonado

    Little clear worms in soil - pic - help please

    Nah, I figured you weren't taking a shot. And yeah I imagine as much damage gets done trying to 'fix' things that if left alone would sort itself out.
  3. Tonado

    Little clear worms in soil - pic - help please

    *I* aint freakin' out... (bugs, bugs, bugs.... EVERYWHERE bugs...) :shock: I figured since my medium is Jiffy mix, perlite, and worm castings, the larvae probably came from the castings. It looks to me that if I let the medium get nice and dry between waterings, that should pretty much...
  4. Tonado

    salvia question...

    There are a TON of salvia varieties. I would verify that what you have is salvia divinorum.
  5. Tonado

    Little clear worms in soil - pic - help please

    JESUS! Looked online: Azatrol - 100 bucks a gallon Gnatrol - 140 bucks a gallon Since azatrol is a neem oil derivative, would my local hardware/garden store version of organic neem oil work just as well? Anyone have experience using neem oil to eliminate gnats?
  6. Tonado

    Little clear worms in soil - pic - help please

    THANKS - any ideas where to look for a local seller of azatrol, or did you get it online?
  7. Tonado

    Little clear worms in soil - pic - help please

    Thanks for the info and feedback. Did you treat with the 3% household H2O2? What strength and how often? Thanks again.
  8. Tonado

    salvia question...

    You can find good salvia online at 40 bucks an oz, dunno where *your* shoppin. Dunno WHY the hell you would even THINK about driving while tripping on SD. Plants can be tough to grow, they need high humidy and bright shade (whatever that is).
  9. Tonado

    cfl lighting?

    Nice little bit of into at: Color-Measurement As stated before, warmer (low kelvin temp) for flowers - cooler (high k temp) for veg
  10. Tonado

    tomatoes with weed

    I know that you can GRAFT pot onto a hops plant. What exactly that would get you, Im not sure. Different growth habit I suppose. Hops and pot are close relatives in the plant kingdom
  11. Tonado

    Buds Got To Heavy!!!!!

    I have also heard of people coating the break with rooting gel before they wrap it...
  12. Tonado

    Cannacopia's Chunky Cheese And Magnum, Envelope To Zig-Zag

    Thanks bro, glad to help. If they fit your needs, CFL's are the bomb. Yeah you gotta keep em close to the plants but for low heat, low cost, and stealth up the kazoo. I sure dig em.
  13. Tonado

    How to be a polite pothead/ what are your rules?

    Be polite. If you stroll in and people are hitting the pipe, ASK if its cool to hit it. Nothing is more annoying than someone assuming its cool. Most people are happy to share as long as your not a dick. If there is a beer run, call for pizza, etc... throw in 5 bucks. If your hitting a...
  14. Tonado

    gOOD sONGS tO sMOKE a jOINT tO

    Pink Floyd - Animals or Dark Side of the Moon Beatles - Rubber Soul or Revolver
  15. Tonado

    Little clear worms in soil - pic - help please

    Hey thanks Gilfman, that was really helpfull... no wait, it WASN'T!:o An update: I have not watered the kids for the last couple days and it looks like these little suckers are dying off as the soil dries. Still... anyone know what they are? Seen em before? Cool thing about pop bottles I...
  16. Tonado

    Finish the sentence above you!

    a shrubbery? That reminds me...
  17. Tonado

    salvia question...

    As said before, your milage may vary experience-wise. But salvia IS a hallucinogen and you WILL trip. Assuming you are not immune to the effects, which brings up a point. Someone said if you don't trip, the salvia is not strong enough. I could not disagree more. I have ALWAYS used 1x leaf...
  18. Tonado

    Cannacopia's Chunky Cheese And Magnum, Envelope To Zig-Zag

    Dunno if you saw someone suggest putting some sliced potato on the soil. The little fuckers cant resist em and burrow in, chuck out funky slice, replace, repeat.
  19. Tonado

    long haired freaky people, need not apply

    Had hair down to the middle of my back twice since leaving the Army several decades ago now. Had it pulled back in a pony tail when I was working as an engineer for Amoco at there HQ in Chicago. Suit/Tie/Long-Ass pony tail. Actually had a guy tell me 'You must be pretty smart, they never hired...
  20. Tonado

    Little clear worms in soil - pic - help please

    I started seeds in jiffy pucks and moved them to 16oz pop bottles. A couple days in, I see these little clear worms, about 1/4 inch long, in the soil. When exposed to a light source, they headed into the soil. I'm using 1/2 jiffy mix, 1/4 perlite and 1/4 worm castings and lightly feeding...