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  1. crazycanuk

    Figure This Led Haters

    ya i whent with florescent tubes for mine for sound , heat, and venting issues aswell... howerver as one of the poster right above stated , the new digital balasts dont get very hot, dont make clicky snappy poppy noises or sound like you have a generator in the other room "...
  2. crazycanuk

    Tubular Florescent bank

    heres the structure and set up .
  3. crazycanuk

    Leaves Look Stressed (pics)

    i heard mixed feelings about using sugars like that but im newer at this.. plus... my plants leaves curled under and dryed like that 4th pic and i believe i was UNDER watering them... they do grow very rapidly durring flower, again.. newer at this so maybe im wrong.. edit: do you have an...
  4. crazycanuk

    Tubular Florescent bank

    not burnt, i was under watering i think.. had that in plant problems already. if you look its the lower leaves that are curled and dried, not the top... you can touch those bulbs bare hand and there inches away fromt eh plant.. no burning.
  5. crazycanuk

    Tubular Florescent bank

    iv used tubes before but this is my first time setting it up properly basically, you can usualy find a sale somewhere for T8 size light housings, and you can pick up a bundle of 6500k tubes at a hardware store. thats the daylight blue spectrum for Veg stage. i have a T-stat set to temp rise...
  6. crazycanuk

    I dentify this Bug! (micro) | GO Pikachu!

    very nice :clap:
  7. crazycanuk

    a problem?

    might just be the stress of transplant, see how its goes. plus you might get more consistant answers in the plant problem part of the forums
  8. crazycanuk

    Tubular Florescent bank

    here it is... my florescent tube bank thats got these plants rockin! and i know it isnt the same grow as you would get from a HPS and such but... my place also wont burn down while im at work witch im totaly ok with :bigjoint: i wanna smoke a little bud not my house. i plan on adding some to...
  9. crazycanuk

    I dentify this Bug! (micro) | GO Pikachu!

    well whats that a photo of? most common is spider mite infestation.... check the undersides of the leaves, look for tiny tiny little black eggs.. were talking Very tiny! kinda looks like this depiction of a spider mite
  10. crazycanuk

    I dentify this Bug! (micro) | GO Pikachu!

    lol, almost looks like lice. you werent shaking your hair over your plant were you ? :) ... jk... i have no clue. someone else might have a better answer but is there not all pouropose plant insecticides that can be used in advance? good luck! :bigjoint:
  11. crazycanuk

    noob cal/mag mess up...time 2 restart?

    looks like nutrient burn... anyone else?
  12. crazycanuk


    i use the DNF A&B solutions, great for young plants. there very small though be carfull.. too much of anything at this stage and you will be starting again
  13. crazycanuk

    Sick girl: not drinking but need to flush help! REP

    im newer at this but flushing is still the way to go from what i understand... plant will be a little droopy from the overwatering but like fuzzy said... holding back on watering for a week is better than planting new seeds or cuttings.
  14. crazycanuk

    browning tips, almost like drying out

    ya i might check that, other than that though i may have just plain old been under watering them... i was so afraid of over watering that i might have not been giving them enough... i have increased the waterings. see how that helps.. doesnt seem to have gotten worse over night so heres hoping...
  15. crazycanuk

    browning tips, almost like drying out

    so the tips of the older leaves keep dieing .. slowly, they dry from the edges out, i have been misting, humidity at 70%, 24*c , air is circulated 10 min on, 20 min off, or by temp rise. im starting to wonder if im underestimating how much water they need. maybe im starving them.. but i also...