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  1. neo12345

    The Brummie Bubbler

    Day 61 Day 32 Flower
  2. neo12345

    Effect of Defoliation on Yield - Skywalker OG indoor scrog

    Yes I think you missed the sarcastic nature of my post, do you think I wasn't obvious enough? :shock: If you'd been paying attention to this thread you would have noticed that Uncle Ben's experiment was from seed, and Oscar is using clones. So really you should be giving Uncle Ben that...
  3. neo12345

    Effect of Defoliation on Yield - Skywalker OG indoor scrog

    Now THAT is how you do a scientific experiment Oscar, notice the men and women walking around in lab coats and safety specs. In the space age lab, with highly calibrated bottles of wine. You should be growing from seed too and not using clones, as we all know that plants grown from seeds are...
  4. neo12345

    Effect of Defoliation on Yield - Skywalker OG indoor scrog

    I found this book by Mel Franks and Ed Rosenthal online called the Marijuana Growers Guide: Chapter 8.6 "Cutting the growing shoots or removing some leaves does not harm the plants. Plants are well adapted to the loss of parts to...
  5. neo12345

    Effect of Defoliation on Yield - Skywalker OG indoor scrog

    You also appear to be avoiding my questions UncleBen? The function of a leaf is slightly different from what we are discussing, there is no mention of defoliation in that Wikipedia article? A man waving his finger is not scientific evidence, he mentions it but doesn't produce any evidence to...
  6. neo12345

    Effect of Defoliation on Yield - Skywalker OG indoor scrog

    That is certainly not what I said about Jorge and RC Clarke, I didn't suggest in the slightest that they don't know anything. You posted a quote and video from Jorge where he says that there is science behind what he is saying about not pulling off leaves, I'm just asking to see this science...
  7. neo12345

    Anyone a fan of defoliation to increase yeild?

    I think you've answered your own question there in the other thread, phototropism is the reason we uncover the budsites because they grow bigger with direct sunlight.
  8. neo12345

    do roots in water need a airstone constantly?

    Just curious but why would you not be feeding your plants?
  9. neo12345

    Effect of Defoliation on Yield - Skywalker OG indoor scrog

    No need as Chuck Estevez PH'd has confirmed that this is true, and has called us both dicks for not knowing this from birth!! If you can grow outside then most training is probably a waste of time, it would be far easier just to let them grow au natural I agree. Growing indoors with limited...
  10. neo12345

    Flush ? Defoliate ? Both ?

    I defoliate my plants for security reasons, if the Police fly over they have no idea!!
  11. neo12345

    Effect of Defoliation on Yield - Skywalker OG indoor scrog

    I have read the entire thread, I've been here since the start. To be fair I think they have been pretty easy on you so far!! If UB, Jorge or Sativied want to post the scientific evidence that defoliation decreases yield in cannabis, then they should be allowed to do so as it balances out the...
  12. neo12345

    Effect of Defoliation on Yield - Skywalker OG indoor scrog

    That's not very scientific!! lol You can't really ask for no trolling and then flame up at people yourself, as you end up losing credibility. You've stuck your head well and truly above the parapet by starting a thread about defoliation, so you've got to expect a bit of flack!
  13. neo12345

    Effect of Defoliation on Yield - Skywalker OG indoor scrog

    How come you are so grouchy today Oscar? lol
  14. neo12345

    Effect of Defoliation on Yield - Skywalker OG indoor scrog

    'Phototropism is the growth of organisms in response to light. It is most often observed in plants, but can also occur in other organisms such as fungi. The growth or movement of a plant part in response to a source of light. The cells on the plant that are farthest from the light have a...
  15. neo12345

    Effect of Defoliation on Yield - Skywalker OG indoor scrog

    Sorry you seem to be getting a lot of questions at the moment but I have one for you, if you have a moment to answer it. My question is can light have an effect on apical dominance? The reason for my asking is that when I've grown with plants placed in a circle with a bulb hanging vertically...
  16. neo12345

    The Brummie Bubbler

    Day 55 Day 26 Flower
  17. neo12345

    Effect of Defoliation on Yield - Skywalker OG indoor scrog

    Damn, I just bought a couple of ounces of Honeydew Kush!! :mrgreen: So are you saying that topping for 2,4 or 6 cola's is a complete waste of time, as the increase in cola's results in smaller cola's in terms of yield?
  18. neo12345

    Noob in hydroponic. Nutrient question.

    Without knowing what's in your first nutrient solution it difficult to say, but if you bought the Sensibloom specifically for flowering then changing to that should be fine. I would change the whole solution out if you are going to swap over though. Looking good apart from that :mrgreen:
  19. neo12345

    settle a debate, what makes buds grow?......

    Just buy some solar panels, and you are good to go for defoliation.
  20. neo12345

    The Brummie Bubbler

    Day 51 Day 22 Flower