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  1. Mr. Goodbuds

    Help re-veg?

    So my buddy gave me 8 clones (3 black domino, 3 g13, and 2 blue dream) he didnt have space for them. My problem is I didnt have a seperate grow room for veg, they sat with my other plants in flowering room for about a week. I made a veg room, the clones have been in there about a week and a half...
  2. Mr. Goodbuds

    rooms too hot! Help

    So i have two 150 watts in my grow tent. One wasn't working so i only had the other one running, took out the broken one and fixed it. Turns out the heat from both of them is way too hot. In a room this small do i need the reflective walls? because i feel like it is not helping with the heat...
  3. Mr. Goodbuds

    Molasses in DWC?

    I'm pretty sure that i'm going to add some in my dwc not really worried about it clogging up anything because all that's in my buckets are airstones... anybody know how much i should use per gallon?? sorry if this question is asked all the time.
  4. Mr. Goodbuds

    Superthrive in Hydroponics

    where are you getting the information that says it is made to extend flowering period? i really want to know. i read this that says otherwise... Superthrive has been around since it won the only science and industry gold medal known to have been awarded at any official world's fair in 1940...
  5. Mr. Goodbuds

    Superthrive in Hydroponics

    yeah i read around a lot and saw people using all the way through a grow no problem, but see a lot of people saying don't use it in flower becuase it put energy towards roots instead of buds???
  6. Mr. Goodbuds

    Superthrive in Hydroponics

    Ok so I bought superthrive just wanted to see how well it works if it does. Anybody know how much to use for a DWC?? can't find anything on how to use it except for in soil.
  7. Mr. Goodbuds

    First Hydro Experiment!! check it.

    Ph the rocks???? i ph the water is that not enough?? well they seem to be loving life either way.
  8. Mr. Goodbuds

    My 1st Hydro Box Grow- Pics and Questions!

    so they have time to recover
  9. Mr. Goodbuds

    My 1st Hydro Box Grow- Pics and Questions!

    I wouldent top them if you're going to start 12/12 already, you should do that while you're still vegging
  10. Mr. Goodbuds

    Grow Big during Flowering?

    I would probably just use bloom all the way through but thats' just my opinion
  11. Mr. Goodbuds

    My First Grow!

    Well hopefully it takes off soon. were you already adding nutes when you took those pics??
  12. Mr. Goodbuds

    My 1st Hydro Box Grow- Pics and Questions!

    any light touching the water at all will cause algae over a little time. nute rich water is very easy for algae to live in.
  13. Mr. Goodbuds

    My 1st Hydro Box Grow- Pics and Questions!

    are those empty net cups letting in light?
  14. Mr. Goodbuds

    My 1st Hydro Box Grow- Pics and Questions!

    I use hydroton in my dwc i know what you're talking about i would just be worried about that stuff molding so i would try to keep it as dry as possible.. how high is the water level compared to the net cups?? Did you duck tape the sides too?? the plants actually look pretty healthy right now...
  15. Mr. Goodbuds

    Ph for Hydro/Soil?

  16. Mr. Goodbuds

    First Hydro Experiment!! check it.

    yeah thanks I'll get on that!
  17. Mr. Goodbuds

    How Do the Girls Look? First DWC

    yeah live in an apt don't have very much room
  18. Mr. Goodbuds

    How Do the Girls Look? First DWC

    Yeah go for it DWC is pretty awesome it's just not for me. Maybe a recurculating hydro set up.
  19. Mr. Goodbuds

    How Do the Girls Look? First DWC

    and really there is not as much room for error is another thing about it. I mean i havent screwed it up yet but it only takes one little mistake in a DWC to make everything go wrong