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  1. Mr. Goodbuds

    How Do the Girls Look? First DWC

    have about 2 feet wide, 4 feet long and 6 feet tall closet. Well the way i set it up it's taking up space because of the huge 5 gallon buckets they're in not too much room for much else not including the extra chords and pumps
  2. Mr. Goodbuds

    My 1st Hydro Box Grow- Pics and Questions!

    pond pump?? and how does air mess with the nutes?
  3. Mr. Goodbuds

    How Do the Girls Look? First DWC

    this was taken 4/19/11
  4. Mr. Goodbuds

    How Do the Girls Look? First DWC

    I want to say they're about 3 weeks in flower?
  5. Mr. Goodbuds

    How Do the Girls Look? First DWC

    I really like growing hydro but i think i'm going to stick with soil after this it's just not practical for my limited space. Any thoughts on how they look?? i'll post more pics soon
  6. Mr. Goodbuds

    First Hydro Experiment!! check it.

    If anybody is looking at these here is another picture
  7. Mr. Goodbuds

    My First Grow!

    looks good i'm doing my dwc too. You shouldn't wait to post until you have to scrog keep posting.
  8. Mr. Goodbuds

    Lighting/Heat Question!

    yeah i'll take it down tonight when the lights come back on. I know i should have gone mylar from the start but i had those emergency blankets laying around and i thought it would be a cheaper easier solution.
  9. Mr. Goodbuds

    Lighting/Heat Question!

    ok so i have a homeade grow room made with black plastic and it's about 2 feet wide, 4 feet long, and about 6 feet tall. I have two 150 watt hps lights in there and wasn't having a heat problem at all because i've got an exhuast that works pretty well but then i put up some of those emergency...
  10. Mr. Goodbuds

    First Hydro Experiment!! check it.

    well i went with dyna
  11. Mr. Goodbuds

    First Hydro Experiment!! check it.

    yeah should i switch to dyna??? what do you think??
  12. Mr. Goodbuds

    First Hydro Experiment!! check it.

    Sorry for the pictures out of order they'll be right for now on though.
  13. Mr. Goodbuds

    First Hydro Experiment!! check it.

    This is my very first attempt to grow some hydro I'm hoping for the best here but will not be too upset if all fails because i've got some other stuff going on right now as well. I'm using GH floraduo for nutrients I have not heard very much about this product but wanted to try it because it's...
  14. Mr. Goodbuds

    New to hydro!! when to add nutes?

    Thank you everyone for the input.. I went ahead and added some nutes yesterday only about 1/8 strength just trying to play it safe just for now and I can already see improvements in both plants. If there were in ill side affects from adding the nutes would it be showing already or take some more...
  15. Mr. Goodbuds

    New to hydro!! when to add nutes?

    I need to learn one way or another i'm just trying to get as many opinions on the matter so I don't learn the hard way.
  16. Mr. Goodbuds

    New to hydro!! when to add nutes?

    I have a little dwc grow going and just need some suggestions on when to start using nutrients?? they are currently in 2 liter bottles but will be moved to 5 gallon buckets when they get a little bigger and i decide to use my metal halide,
  17. Mr. Goodbuds

    How much plants/yield will i be able to support with this?

    Not too much at all you need a lot more light than that
  18. Mr. Goodbuds

    New to hydro!!!! when to add nutes??

    I have a little dwc project going on and just wanted to know when to add the first nutrients??
  19. Mr. Goodbuds

    Florado Review And Experience

    I went into my local hydro store to buy some nutes and the guy gave me the floraduo set for free said just tell him how they worked out. It wasn't what i went in there to buy i'd never even heard of it but it's not like me to turn down something free. I just really wish there was more info on...