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  1. d7b

    super noob light question

    for sure. any digital ballast (in my experience anyway) will allow you to use different bulbs. set the switch to whatever the wattage of the bulb is and away you go. Even if you have mine on 400w setting with a 250w bulb, it simply wont switch on until you correct the settings. idiot proof...
  2. d7b


    my mate's girls dad makes it with almonds and another with some grain. It's excellent and is like what a bong is to alcohol. way to test? drink a mug and hold your hand in front of your eyes. if you can still see it in 30 minutes, repeat :) I brew beer. its easier and less explosive :)
  3. d7b

    Any opinions on what strain to grow?

    There was just something about that strain taking abuse, loving water culture growth and the smell is among my favorite bud scents. When you smell it, you will know it. ultra fruity. I have had good luck with all the Americanised strains in the past few years. I used to be a purist with it...
  4. d7b

    seedling stretch!

    cant be right. I have a mother chamber with a 125w cfl and 2 inches from seedlings would definitely not cause stretching 9in fact it would probably annihilated them) . Surely you adjusted the light closer after the stretching?
  5. d7b

    What would you do!!!???

    Critical mass is awesome. I really liked growing it. I found it indifferent to the quality of plant produced by GHS Super Bud in my last grow and super bud is significantly cheaper. yield was great, but not amazing yield. but really nice, tight, dense buds. smoke wasn't top shelf but I dont...
  6. d7b

    Mini Air-Conditioner for grow tent!

    I have a 1200w aircon in a 6 X 3 X 8 room and it is total overkill, even when it is 100F degrees outside. evaporative cooling works well in smaller areas so it might be good. for $30 bucks it is worth a shot. climate control is always my main focus when producing quality yields. However, dont...
  7. d7b

    Are Intelligent Women Sexy?

    'intellegent women with low self esteem are where its at' fuck this ! I always end up dating them and it is just not the truth... or maybe you just have to be a bigger man than me :S Intelligent and confident... definitely attractive. also definitely a rare breed.
  8. d7b

    Any opinions on what strain to grow?

    I just grew a Yumboldt Indica in DWC and it was insane. It smelled really fruity and had perfect, low leaf to bud ratio. took abuse, no pests , short. Really liked it for DWC / scrog . At the moment , I am obsessed with SAGE by THSeeds. It has been a hard one to grow perfectly and therein lies...
  9. d7b

    Pressing bubble hash bad???

    i use a vice and custom plates to press kief. whatever the source. bubblehash being no exception. grab all the chunks and press the shit out of them. I cant tell the difference between smoking it as it comes out of the bag or after being crushed together. kind of like a block of soap imo...
  10. d7b

    Where did I go wrong? First time grower .. Please help

    I find rockwool to soil can be a tricky transfer. The only way I have had success with this (i.e. 100% without any noticeable plant stress) is to grow the roots out the bottom of the rockwool cube and gain mass in a temp. bucket dwc . Once they have the mass, they root a lot faster when thrown...
  11. d7b

    No such thing as stress induced hermi's

    milk... pffft. dark green vegetables may contain less calcium than milk but your body absorbs that shit way more efficiently from the vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, bok choi . Unless you are a baby, forget milk ! I have what I call the science lab in my setup. It is where I do hideous...
  12. d7b

    Sour cream & sage closet scrog..

    what PH are you running? growing SAGE and get good results, but find it is pretty temperamental . thanks in advance
  13. d7b

    Main stem thickness question

    bump. any clues? Or will I answer my question as per usual by waiting for 5 weeks to realise I should have re-started using clones? anybody re-potted a small plant with a woody stalk and noticed that it eventually starts getting a fatter main stalk? I have never seen this on any plant species...
  14. d7b

    Clone Powder : leaf tips curling up slightly.

    if anybody is interested, the curling tips happens every batch of clones i use with powder. however, I have 100% success rates so I dont care. the new growth is fine and the roots are insane
  15. d7b

    Main stem thickness question

    Hi There, I have my mother chamber plants in 6 inch net pots in a flood/drain system. Their roots are always air-cropped and pretty thick and spewing out of their pots. The pot size keeps them very busy and small. I just put them in 1/2 gallon pots (its roughly 2-3 times bigger..i know...
  16. d7b

    Dry Ice Hash

    going to try this method this harvest. I find it extremely dubious to hear people writing their is significant difference between bubble hash and dry ice hash techniques as they are founded on the exact same principle. It looks a lot more efficient and I honestly don't care if the only...
  17. d7b

    Worst Strains To Grow

    second Greenhouse Seeds white widow being one of the worst. 1 / 10 was a dominant female which i used as the mother. It provided great healthy clones ... who produced the ugliest looking plants with the most average stone from any greenhouse seed I have had. 6/10 posted above is kind. I would...
  18. d7b

    co2 put question to bed

    I have found with extensive co2 testing that it isn't really worth the cost when using bottled co2, propane generators are much more economical. My ultimate ghetto solution for a grow space that size would be to tent it in your sleeping quarters and use yourself as a co2 generator ! I was...
  19. d7b

    "Big Bud" Problem.Sudden Die Off

    im putting this down to root conditions as well. This happens a lot to me. 7 clones off a strong mother and one just collapses and dies whilst all else flourish. Its a numbers game in my experience, and impossible to overcome.
  20. d7b

    Clone Powder : leaf tips curling up slightly.

    Hi, I have always used clonex gel with almost 100% success rates. After a big of forum scouring , I read Al B Fuct's guide to cloning with powder and wanted to give it a shot to see if it speeds things up. roots usually appear in 7-10 days for me and was hoping for 4-5. I used a...