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  1. d7b

    !!!Help 2.5 week old seedlings sick (PICS INCLUDED)!!!

    honestly mate, still on my original point. Let them dry out until your cups are really light. I would almost put up my house that it is over watering (because I did it o so many times back in the day) . Letting a seedling wilt from lack of water is not half as critical as over watering. less...
  2. d7b

    Nihilism, the consequence of Atheism

    The reason for existence is survival. I believe nihilism will increase in times when survival is assured (currently, for example) . Why look out for the common man when there are 7 billion of us to ignore? ;-)
  3. d7b

    getting seeds in to australia

    any extra seeds are OK I guess. but the 3 average seed slap in the face is pretty pointless. I ordered mine today. fuck it. Attitude is fine.
  4. d7b

    Hi, what is the difference between lumen and lux?

    from wiki: The difference between the units lumen and lux is that the lux takes into account the area over which the luminous flux is spread. A flux of 1000 lumens, concentrated into an area of one square metre, lights up that square metre with an illuminance of 1000 lux. The same 1000 lumens...
  5. d7b

    !!!Help 2.5 week old seedlings sick (PICS INCLUDED)!!!

    over-watered I think. Its always possible to recover, but I would spare the heartache and kill em and start again. Sorry mate, I'm a realist :)
  6. d7b

    Aussie Growers Thread

    wicked scrog FIWH. Do your leaves often look this way? Mine look similar and I put it down to air ventilation when growing indoors. When I grow outdoors they always look a lot perkier. Thanks for any info.
  7. d7b


    These bastards make me want to get an 8 string guitar. I wouldn't need the extended range from my 7 string Baritone, but would think I was pretty cool playing what they use :) These guys have certainly practised their rhythm exercises :)
  8. d7b

    How much pot do you smoke???

    2-3 zips a month. I smoke with tobacco though.
  9. d7b

    Would You Fuck This Chick?

    Initially, I voted fuck no because I like being different. ...then I remembered this article from the newspaper the other day and remembered why this poll is here. So anyway, I want to change my vote to Hell Yes! Not because I want to be different, but because that is a puuurrrrrty man!
  10. d7b

    coughing blood.. anyone else??

    yep. here as well. for a decade now. I work in heathcare and monitor my vitals very closely. Sp02 is still perfect so I never really care :) I do PetCT / MRI / Xray scans frequently on my body and no cancer. We have to check and commission systems as such. Might sound like a total prick...
  11. d7b

    greenhouse seeds

    loads of triploids popping from GHS for me. Fine veg/flower but in the end you are left with lots of very average smoking weed . Superbud and Kalashnikova being the only ones deemed worthy merely through decent yield. smoke was a 2/5 . I'm a harsh critic though .
  12. d7b

    Attitude 4/20 Special

    I have bad luck with the promo seeds. They are usually those mini dark seeds that pop slow or not at all and then produce pretty shitty plants. The only promo that paid off was the Emerald Triangle promo. I threw three seeds into rock wool and one of them was this light green / blue tinged...
  13. d7b

    Is it hard to import seeds?

    I have had 1 of about 10 orders intercepted in your neck of the woods. It is unlikely but can happen. expect a letter from customs if intercepted. they wont direct law enforcement to you unless you were probably getting hundreds of seeds mate. rest easy. i have had to wait 3-4 weeks sometimes :(
  14. d7b

    very top fan leaves "canoeing" i guess

    I think over fert or heat usually does this to my plants.
  15. d7b

    Cloning Question

    sounds right to me mate. Takes a while to get this method down for cloning, regardless of how easy people make it out to be. woody stems actually make great clones. And with your method, I had woody stems with fem flowers on cuttings root in straight tap water in the dark in 5 days! I do use...
  16. d7b

    keep or trash? poor seedling growth help (pics inside)

    thanks gents. All good info. I never use the dome for seedlings as a rule but with 20%RH I gave it a shot and got that thin section half way down the seedling as seen in the images. I always have healthy seedlings so I freaked out (either healthy or they dont even pop). There was no fan on it...
  17. d7b

    keep or trash? poor seedling growth help (pics inside)

    phew. that is a relief. Hawaiian Snow fem child. Bitch has no hips ;-) thanks folks. I will keep nursing! edited: because im retarded
  18. d7b

    keep or trash? poor seedling growth help (pics inside)

    observe images: I don't normally nurse any patient through poor germination but I have no more genetics apart from an ancient sativa I have become immune to. Anybody had experience where something this flimsy pulls through? I won't...
  19. d7b

    WTF buds growing on the leaf is this normal pic as well

    i wouldn't be worried at all. looks cool though!