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  1. M

    Autoflower outdoor

    This one was small so I could carry it easier however I will get some bigger ones for my future ones, however is it possible to get 14g of this considering it has around 13-15 days left? Also can anyone give me rough dimensions of 3gal pot? around here all pots come with no holding capacity...
  2. M

    Autoflower outdoor

    Yeah giving 3/4 strength high p,k nutes and 1/2 strength high n,p nutes atm, will switch completely to bloom nutes (high P, low N) in a week or two maybe? So it will keep growing bigger? it gets direct sunlight from dawn to sunset, give or take a few hours. Roughly 12-13 hours per day.
  3. M

    Autoflower outdoor

    Hello, I have an autoflower chemdog growing outdoors, day 46. Its a 60-65 day strain, and its only around 30cm tall at the moment. I was wondering how much it would swell up and roughly how much I could expect to yield. I would be happy with anything over 14g, however it seems to have stopped...
  4. M

    Fabric pots

    Better to cut the 7gal pot off and transplant it into the bigger one in my opinion.
  5. M

    Outdoor grow planting advice

    Quick question should I go for the pyramid or nirvana northern auto? Need the one that has the lower smell, cant seem to find anything on this.
  6. M

    Outdoor grow planting advice

    2 holes have already been made and fillled in the valley with clay, the other 2 are on the hill. I will use a raised bed for the ones in the clay.
  7. M

    Outdoor grow planting advice

    So I got both holes filled one of them was about an inch deep full of water after 24hrs, and the other was wet at the bottom however no pooling of water, so I removed all the water from the first one and mixed up 30litres of multi purpose compost (decided not to add any john innes no 2 as I was...
  8. M

    Outdoor grow planting advice

    haha ok so today I'm going to go fill up the holes with the soil mix, the one thats getting filled with water I will raise the soil bed slightly as suggested and make some holes in the bottom of the clay with a fork, hopefully to increase drainage. Will that be sufficient to prevent root rot...
  9. M

    Outdoor grow planting advice

    Because I cannot wait till september+ for harvest. And the spot is quite sunny gets about 10 hours sun a day, only one of the holes as far as I could tell has this drainage problem. As it will be filled with soil mix anyway, will it do any damage to the roots or anything or is it worth lining...
  10. M

    Outdoor grow planting advice

    I have a grow planned outdoors, I will be planting 4 autos, sweet tooth, northern lights, blue mystic and green o matic. The grow area I have found is in between two hills, with a valley that is not very wide. I dug some holes about 12" deep and around 14-15" wide, giving me holes around 7-8...
  11. M

    LED's or CFL

    The clones will be taken from healthy mothers which will be growing outside, more cost effective than planting all from seed. I am most likely to do this in a cabinet or bedside table type of thing than a pc now, just because I want to have 6 clones/plants growing. Looking at around 1-1.5 square...
  12. M

    LED's or CFL

    That's 1/2oz per plant right? And the 2 mother plants will be vegged till I can take 3 clones from each of em :) then plan is to let the clones root and flower them, giving single colas allowing all the plants to fit in. If I topped them I would get too many side branches I think. Regarding the...
  13. M

    LED's or CFL

    Stealth is pretty vital for me, so no go on the tent. Thanks for the idea though. I've considered growing in something along the lines of a bedside table, reckon I could get about 8 clones in there, but then I have the problem of needing a lot of cfls. I have been seriously considering LED's...
  14. M

    LED's or CFL

    Well as I mentioned before I've worked out that the space I have to work with is about half a square foot however I saw many sog style setups with minimal space with lots of clones flowered early to give short plants at harvest. The initial idea was to just flower the mother plant from seed...
  15. M

    LED's or CFL

    I was thinking of adding more cfls giving me a total of around 60w. Would this be enough to grow the 6 clones 12 12 after rooting? EDIT: quick question on smell also, I will be covering any light leaks etc within the pc case, and installing a small carbon scrubber on the exhaust. Will this keep...
  16. M

    LED's or CFL

    So I have a micro grow planned inside pc, giving me about 0.5 square feet to work with inside. The plan is to have 1 mother plant, take 6 or so clones, let them root and then go straight to flowering. Now obviously 6 clones inside is pretty cramped but I'm aiming for around 5g per plant which...
  17. M

    Outdoor grow help

    But isnt transplanting damaging to the plant? Pretty much everywhere I'v read grow the seed in whatever you want to harvest from. So thats my dilemma really, cant take pots out and cant put the seed into the ground.. and growing inside past the few weeks stage is not a option either
  18. M

    Outdoor grow help

    Hello everyone so am planning a auto grow outdoors, going to be going with auto sweet tooth due to high yield. I'll get 3 seeds and start 1 near the end of this month and the rest a few weeks after, just have a few questions atm. Because their autos I dont want to be transplanting them into the...
  19. M

    Growing auto outdoors uk?

  20. M

    Growing auto outdoors uk?

    Hello everyone, So I am planning on growing some auto speed bud outdoors. I'd be getting 4 seeds and planting it outdoors fairly soon ( end of the month, early march), after doing a lot of research it seems the plants wont really grow much in the colder temperature around here. I'm from the...