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  1. wazooboo

    does 12/12 from seed cause harsh taste and burn?

    ^thanks, I need to harvest crops consistently and frequently. I am working with a really small closet and a really high tolerance ahaha. going through a veg stage would take up way too much time.
  2. wazooboo

    does 12/12 from seed cause harsh taste and burn?

    I harvest when almost 100 percent of the trichomes are cloudy! cloudy as hell I tell you! with orange hairs! :sad:
  3. wazooboo

    does 12/12 from seed cause harsh taste and burn?

    Have any of you ever grown 12/12 from seed and gotten a shitty hay-like taste/smell? This is my question about drying which I asked because I thought improper drying was the cause of my shitty bud. But then it ocurred to...
  4. wazooboo

    How do I make a drying closet with the best conditions? what are the best conditions?

    I have harvested about 4 or 5 times and I grow indoor with hydroponics. The only harvest that came out with a good flavor and a smooth burn was the first one, which was the blue dream I grew. I'm currently flowering another blue dream at 12/12 from seed. Everytime I grow weed the buds on the...
  5. wazooboo

    Can this still pull a good 12/12 from seed harvest?

    I gave it too much nitrogen apparently and the leaves started to curl. I flushed the hydroton and the new growths started resembling regular leaves. But something doesn't look right about it, it doesn't look as sturdy as my plants usually are and with much less budding sites. The stem still...
  6. wazooboo

    Curling leaves, what should I do?

    I planted the seed 40 days ago and the last nutrient mix I gave it before flushing was the late growth dosage for General Hydroponics flora series.
  7. wazooboo

    Curling leaves, what should I do?

    I few weeks ago I noticed I the new growths were getting really curly, I assumed it was fertilizer salts stuck in the hydroton so I gave it 2 teaspoons of Florakleen per gallon of water. This is the 5th day of using the Florakleen and some of the leaves are starting to resemble normal leafs but...
  8. wazooboo

    Is this a big enough heater for one flowering plant in a small closet?

    My light on temperature is 79-81
  9. wazooboo

    Is this a big enough heater for one flowering plant in a small closet? I'm growing in a 2x6x8 ft (approx.) closet and I have up until now only been keeping track of the temperature during the day. I got a thermometer that tracks the lows and highs and realized my closet...
  10. wazooboo

    How do I regulate humidity?

    It's actually at night when the humidity goes out of the range it's supposed to and that's when the windows are closed. it's daytime here and I just checked, it's at 40% humidity. But at night it spikes up to 75%, so I think the dehumidifier is the solution.
  11. wazooboo

    How do I regulate humidity?

    There is a fan running the whole 12 hours the lights are on and I leave the window to that room open the whole way. I grow in a closet and the window is on the opposite side of the room. I leave the closet doors open while the lights are on.
  12. wazooboo

    How do I regulate humidity?

    My Hygrometer reads 34 low - 75 high. I grow 12/12 from seed and right now it's just about to stretch. In my past 5 grows, 2 of which I included a vegetative state, I've received some really low yields. I use a 400 watt hps 12 inches away from the canopy throughout the whole process when it's...
  13. wazooboo

    How can I yield dense fat nugs?

    i'm not expecting it to harvest anywhere near as much as a full grow i'm just talking about the size and density of nugs. I've seen other 12/12 grows where the total weight was obviously less than a grow with vegetative state but the nugs were actually full and not flimsy/skimpy. Like this...
  14. wazooboo

    How can I yield dense fat nugs?

    I flower until all of the trichomes are clear, I always grow 12/12 from seed so it's hard to tell when I should say it's "day 1 of flowering". This most recent harvest I planted the seedling in the water farm oct 15th, harvested on the 24th of dec so that should tell you a pretty good estimate.
  15. wazooboo

    How can I yield dense fat nugs?

    This is the nutrient schedule I follow: I only use floramicro, floragrow, and florabloom. I don't have any of the extra stuff but would the kool bloom help? and i'm pretty sure my 400 watt hps is actually...
  16. wazooboo

    How can I yield dense fat nugs?

    Set up: Water farm by GH Lights: I've harvested about 5 or 6 times now. The first time was with a 250 hps bulb and the 2nd through the...
  17. wazooboo

    Are these clones still growing?

    I left the clone under a 18/6 light for about 3 weeks to a month. It started rooting and growing in vertical height again just a little so i put it on 12/12 in a waterfarm. So yes, I did take a clone from a flowering plant and put it back to 18/6. Then BACK to 12/12 when it rooted and grew a...
  18. wazooboo

    Are these clones still growing?

    I put some cuttings that i took from a plant during it's first week flowering under a 18/6 light cycle, when they started to root i planted them in a hydro system under 12/12. One of them is continuing to grow and will hopefully stretch to be 3 times it's size. The other one on the other hand is...
  19. wazooboo

    Can acid come on just regular paper?

    I've gotten blank tabs before that work amazing. But this one didn't seem to be thick blotter paper. I was kind of thin.. Has anyone purchased a tab like the once i've described and had a good trip?
  20. wazooboo

    12/12 from rooted clone question.

    I took my first cuttings for the first time a month ago and i put them under a 40watt fluoro for a month on 18/6 light cycle and when they rooted and grew in vertical height i put one into a water farm on a 12/12 cycle. Now i see more pistils growing even though it's only 3 inches tall, will...