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  1. RollingDope708

    Master Kush--215 Watts CFL Stealth Grow!

    Looking good man. Sorry about your 1st grow being a male hope this one makes up for it. I'm really interested in the NL part of your grow. keep us updated. and is it safe to take pics during the "dark period"? *just wondering* Btw I have a grow going to...
  2. RollingDope708

    RollingDope's LA Confidential Bagseed CFL Grow

    Update: 1)Since this is my first grow and I'm still learning I recently realized that I've had nute burn throughout the grow(not pest lol) and it just dawned on me. Any tips? It's not yellowing but more like holes and brownish spots. Any help is greatly appreciated. 2)I've noticed slight...
  3. RollingDope708

    RollingDope's LA Confidential Bagseed CFL Grow

    While I was cleaning the house I discovered that one of my plants got severely burned by the cfl lights so in a drastic last minute decision I decided to cut the the branches that got burnt. How will this affect my plant during the flowering stage?
  4. RollingDope708

    (EBB & Flow/DWC) (Fox Farm Trio & Salts) White Window/Skunk #1

    Looking good. I'm jealous that yours are starting to flower already lol. How much longer do you expect to be in flower? And I'd like to see the update pics on the leaf fixes. And thanks for all the info bro it will be put to good use.
  5. RollingDope708

    RollingDope's LA Confidential Bagseed CFL Grow

    Thanks for the reply. The reason I was tryna hold out was because this strain doesn't yield that much but that won't make much of a difference like you said. I'm currently having height limitations but I'm sure I can make it thru it with some diy handy work. By the way how high does your...
  6. RollingDope708

    RollingDope's LA Confidential Bagseed CFL Grow

    Just flipped it to 12/12 this morning. Ill report on the preflowers soon as I see em.
  7. RollingDope708

    RollingDope's LA Confidential Bagseed CFL Grow

    Major updates: Well both of them are about a ft tall now so I decided to go ahead and switch out the bulbs and flip to 12/12 tomorrow. So hopefully next week they'll start to show their preflowers and start the flowering process from there 8) Minor updates: I removed several lower leaves that...
  8. RollingDope708

    RollingDope's LA Confidential Bagseed CFL Grow

    So I'm back with their once a week update. Both are taking off now in their vegging sate. I'm worried if their gonna hermie but if they do I guess its just gonna be alot more inspection everyday. New: Alot of side branches are starting to emerge. I started them on a 1/2 strength mix today...
  9. RollingDope708

    Cheese Candy By Delicious Seeds

    So this strain is has a noticeable smell? And thanks for the rest of the info. I'mma be using CFLs so my yield may be much less than yours.
  10. RollingDope708

    Cheese Candy By Delicious Seeds

    I was recently given some cheese candy seeds from a friend and wanted to know does anyone have experience with this strain? I've found little info on it and really interested in growing it after my LA Confidential bagseed plants finish. I'm open to all advice.
  11. RollingDope708

    (EBB & Flow/DWC) (Fox Farm Trio & Salts) White Window/Skunk #1

    Looking good bro. They're going to be little stinkers in the coming weeks.
  12. RollingDope708

    RollingDope's LA Confidential Bagseed CFL Grow

    As promised I topped both of them today. I'mma hold off on LSTing because I don't have time until this weekend to do it. Their really starting to develop more branches and responding well to the nutes. Before(Rene) After(Rene) Before(Tiffany) After(Tiffany) The snippings
  13. RollingDope708

    Is this stretching?

    Thanks you guys. I was concerned because this is all new to me and I've never seen this before in any of the posts and stuff I've read.
  14. RollingDope708

    Is this stretching?

    So this is my 1st grow and so far everything's going great. However, one thing I've noticed is "stretching"(or atleast I think it is) from my under branches. I wanted to know is this "stretching" because of no side lighting? The branches are starting to grow upward inbetween the upper branches...
  15. RollingDope708

    BIG BOMB from Bomb seeds cfl lighting

    Looking good. Can't wait til she starts to really veg and see her take off. Is that a warm lightbulb though or is that the camera?
  16. RollingDope708

    RollingDope's LA Confidential Bagseed CFL Grow

    Friday I'm going to begin topping and LSTing. I know I could have started sooner but with this being my first grow I wanted to take extra precaution. Pics will be posted Friday/Saturday.
  17. RollingDope708

    RollingDope's LA Confidential Bagseed CFL Grow

    So its been a week since I've posted about these lil girlies. So here's what happened in the last week: .I started adding 1/8 strength of big bloom and 1/8 of grow big to their water feeding. .I'm still misting them throughout the day .I'm thinking about topping and LSTing but I once again I'm...
  18. RollingDope708

    First Grow - CFL

    The main one looks good. It might just be me but the that seedbank looks like they gave u a bad batch but the main one is coming along nicely. As far as the carbon scrubber I dont know much on those as that I'm using the ona bucket method used by roseman & flipping to 12/12 u got probably...
  19. RollingDope708

    Adding Nutes

    I will keep that in mind. I meant to say 1/8 of grow big & 1/8 of big bloom. Sorry I was a lil medicated earlier lol
  20. RollingDope708

    First Grow - CFL

    If that potting soil has fertilizer in it thats probably the reason for the burns on one of the plants. The "special" one is probably due to burns and possibly lighting. How close are the lights from the plants and how old are the plants to where ur adding nutes?