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  1. SZoll13

    I have a problem...

    The third prong is just a ground, and is used in current households only. You can tear off the third prong from a surge protector or something, and use that to then add other lights. Really, any appliance that you want to plug into your house, you can just tear off that third prong. While it...
  2. SZoll13

    Great Lamp for CFL lighting. (30 bucks)

    Damn - But any way to get those things at any place doesn't destroy the small business' in America and make the 6 Walton kids richer than god, the devil and me combined?
  3. SZoll13

    I need from advise!!

    What would be wrong with immediately switching to 24/0? Just curious.
  4. SZoll13

    My LED laboratory

    Note: Just because my results were less than favorable, that does not mean i think LED's are useless. There are multiple variables that could account for my lack of success. Either way, just bought SeeMoreBuds book "Buds for Less" and am looking forward to trying CFL's. Just switched over my 2...
  5. SZoll13

    My LED laboratory

    I just finished a harvest of 4 various seed-based, soil plants using only 4 LED lights (purchased and assembled from 14 Watt Grow Light Kit - I was actually really dissapointed with the turnout. I have not weighted them out yet as they are still drying, but I doubt that i...