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  1. DMGIX

    Poppinsmokey's first grow - CFL's

    Hay man, just been looking thru your grow and they are some awesome plants, i hope mine turn out just a tad like yours...Check my grow out, would appriciate any input.....
  2. DMGIX

    UVB Light..Anyone got experience?

  3. DMGIX

    1st CFL Grow! Wat y'all think?

    As promised more pics, unfortunately had to take them on me phone cos i cant find the USB cable.....let me know what you think, they are 18 days in..bongsmilie
  4. DMGIX

    UVB Light..Anyone got experience?

    I was kinda looking at the UV-CFL's....the ones they use for nail varnish shit..Any idea on these?????:joint:
  5. DMGIX

    Finishing up 2nd CFL grow...

    hey Lebowski..thought i would return the favor and chack your grow out.. They are some sexy plants you got there. How many is there? how old are they..flowering that is? Im pretty much doing what you did 1st time around but i started with 5 and ended up with just the one...not that i mind i...
  6. DMGIX

    1st CFL Grow! Wat y'all think?

    haha nice one lebowski, i will do, much appriciated :joint:
  7. DMGIX

    1st CFL Grow! Wat y'all think? have 20 plants? Are they feminized? If so 5-6 lamps is way off the mark..or are they high wattage? Anyway, im not to bothered about smell, and i dont use a fan/vent beacause the temp is pretty steady and air cirulation is pretty good Altho i do put a fan on it occasionally to help...
  8. DMGIX

    1st CFL Grow! Wat y'all think?

    I do, just 4 20w cfls incased in beer cans ,which i see alot of peeps dont bother with so they loose half the light. I also put in there a T5 30w White light which i used for veg in the one corner (not shown on the pics), unfortunatly its 3ft and and my wardrobe is like 2'11" but i do rotate my...
  9. DMGIX

    UVB Light..Anyone got experience?

    hey fellow growers... Has anybody got any experience in using UV lights, well mainly UVB lights in flowering? I do know that the UVB light helps the production of THC but i want to know is what wattage to use, how long you should use it for as in the whole 12hours of the 12/12 or not and...
  10. DMGIX

    1st CFL Grow! Wat y'all think?

    Ooooo its getting hairy.....more pics tonight... Any comments/question would be welcome :bigjoint:
  11. DMGIX

    For UK Growers..Buying CFL's

    Hi peeps, fellow growers. Now i know you guys and gals over the pond are used to purchasing 25w-30w CFL's from virtually anywhere but over here 100w equiv is ussally 18-20w. (This being a 120v 100w incan bulb produces more lumens than a 240volt one) and higher wattage bulbs are hard to find and...
  12. DMGIX

    First Grow 8 Plants NEED HELP PLEASEE

    Hey thats cool, its your 1st grow, saying that im on my 1st too, maybe im just lucky or im a natural lol. i just started on a whim tbh with alot trial and error, well not that much error, just building a grow area and learning as i go along....take a look at my...
  13. DMGIX

    Fuckkkk Advice Pleasee

    It'll be coool it happened to me and its like NOOOOOOOOOOOOO i was nearly crying lol...
  14. DMGIX

    First Grow 8 Plants NEED HELP PLEASEE

    hey sorry for multi-posting..a darkenin of the leave is usually a Phosphorus def. I dont know the nutes your using but i just use MiricleGro and i have a sexy plant...:hump:
  15. DMGIX

    First Grow 8 Plants NEED HELP PLEASEE

    jsut looked at your pics again....Im not sre what the chars of your strain are but the stems/node look pretty dark...purple maybe...? Maybe ths is natural to the strain but from what ive read it could be a build up of nitrogen? Just a guess tho, not certain
  16. DMGIX

    First Grow 8 Plants NEED HELP PLEASEE

    Whats the outside Max and Min Temp do ya know? If the Temp goes below 50-55f the plant goes into shock...... I dont know what the water is like around your end but i just tend to is fill up a container with tap water and leave it for a while, either that or boil it and let it cool. Im not...
  17. DMGIX

    Climate Change..We have to...

    True to a point, the sun has a part to play, but the Earths Atmosphere keeps us warm, without it the suns energy will be irrelevant. I would go into how lucky and and how we are near enough a freak ofthe solar system/universe but....i Sex and Peace
  18. DMGIX

    Climate Change..We have to...

    OMG, its a scenario of possibility not impossibility. A far fetched one i agree. But still i stick by my Original Statement(1st post)
  19. DMGIX

    Climate Change..We have to...

    Burning fossil fuels affects the atmoshpere, so therefore affects the Oceans.
  20. DMGIX

    Climate Change..We have to...

    It can happen and it was the cause of the greatest mass extintion FACT. Im not saying it will.