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  1. DMGIX

    Climate Change..We have to...

    I said "could" An Ocean current is not just "quite" important, i would say it is Pivitol. All what i say is a possibility at some point as too what your saying. What would happening if the Ocean do start to slow down? Or Stop? Im only chipping in to the debate. And these details i got from a...
  2. DMGIX

    Climate Change..We have to...

    Without the ice caps the earth will have lost its only natural cooling system causing the Ocean to warm up (resulting in air temps to?). But from what im told this could stop the Ocean conveabelt/flow(water rises in the tropics, sinks in the poles), if this "stopping" does happen the Ocean...
  3. DMGIX

    Climate Change..We have to...

    I know in the UK the Government are pretty much closing the doors on New Coal Burning Power Stations and are looking at Nuclear and Renewable energy source to replace them. What everyones opinion on Nuclear power? there seem to be alot of stigma and objections towards them but we're being told...
  4. DMGIX

    Climate Change..We have to...

    And also, aint we slowly destroyng the LANDS natural buffer system? Just a thought
  5. DMGIX

    Climate Change..We have to...

    Sorry if i may of offened you that wasn't the intention. Im open minded. Im not saying it gonna happen, its a possibility you cant deny it. The main worry i think is if we kill off the ocean, when they die, we do. In reponse to plants getting bigger, the main souce of Oxygen comes from the...
  6. DMGIX

    Climate Change..We have to...

    See you just confirmed what i said earlier, you dont want to like what im saying because goverment and fuel companies are using it as propaganda to make loads of money,
  7. DMGIX

    Climate Change..We have to...

    for some reason the last post kep linkin to the same the other... [BBC NEWS | Technology | Wiki boss 'edited for donation'
  8. DMGIX

    Climate Change..We have to...

    Do really beieve wiki pedia? Its full of mis-information, even the CIA edit details that they dont want us to know (BBC NEWS | Technology | Wikipedia 'shows CIA page edits') and they make edits for donations (BBC NEWS | Technology | Wikipedia 'shows CIA page edits'). I agree change is not...
  9. DMGIX

    Climate Change..We have to...

    Hey i don't agree with raising taxes, i think that is totally wrong, that is just the tax man using it as propaganda trying to cash in. same with Fuel suppliers...also trying to cash in to. Disgusting, and the reason why most people laugh the issue off. :peace:
  10. DMGIX

    Climate Change..We have to...

    This aint propaganda at all MATE, and i never said of any sought that man wouldn't be able to evolve...sure we'll probably be able to survive, but what about other forms of live? will they? Probably, or maybe not, sure life goes on no matter what. or are you just selfish and only think about...
  11. DMGIX

    Climate Change..We have to...

    We have to try and keep CO2 levels down, or level at least. As a world population we are increasing in numbers year on year..100 years ago there was 1 billion peeps in the theres 6 billion, prediction say there will be 20 billion by 2050..this alone will affect co2 levels. But its...
  12. DMGIX

    1st CFL Grow! Wat y'all think?

    Heres some more pics 1 week into the moment im watering eery 2-3 days..when they been awake for about an hour or so...Nutes every other
  13. DMGIX

    Open Your Eyes!!!!

    Ahhh Nice, im on my 1st ever grow, just a week into flowering
  14. DMGIX

    1st CFL Grow! Wat y'all think?

    OMG, it must of grown about 6" min in the last week. Ill post some more pics tonight when my baby wakes up.
  15. DMGIX

    Open Your Eyes!!!!

    haha no worries, i dont get offended that easy. Nothing like a heated debate..just having a rant to get people with there eyes well and truely shut to open them abit. Been getting really annoyed with narrow-mindedness.
  16. DMGIX

    Open Your Eyes!!!!

    Last few years? Now show me where i said that. The speed of which this change is happening has accelelarated in the last few years, if goverment want to pass an act in parliment, increase taxes all they need to do is use "the war on terror" or "enviromental reasons" as there arguement. And my...
  17. DMGIX

    More BS From The UK Press.

    at least only dumb folk will believe it....Daily Mail readers cant even think for themselves
  18. DMGIX

    More BS From The UK Press.

    THing is, ordinary peeps are starting to believe this SHITE....PROPAGANDA THAT WHAT IT IS!
  19. DMGIX

    Open Your Eyes!!!!

    Why is it that now we live in a modern society, populations believe we are free from oppression. We believe propaganda are products of Middle Eastern Counrties? You couldn't be even more wrong. Propaganda, 'Brain Washing' call it what you will, exsist today, in your country, in your town or...
  20. DMGIX

    A Closet Grower-Envirolite

    Those are some tight plants, how tall are they at the mo?